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Shake, strain, garnish with a Luxardo cherry and an edible rose petal.


If you've never smelled Voleur de Roses, it smells like the most perfect rose laid on a grave. It's all roses at first, but patchouli and white musk erase it over time. I know it's a lot of rosewater, but...

Cocktail summary
Created by
Zachary Pearson
Is the
author's original creation
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4 stars
(12 ratings)
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From other users
  • Exceptional and delicious. I might try reducing the simple syrup a little. Used Port Charlotte Scotch.
  • I had to use Speyside, so I missed out on the peatiness, but it was still amazing. I'll have to try again with proper Islay scotch for the full effect.
  • Scotch- sweet, peaty, floral
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Mixed up in Na… commented on 12/25/2020:

Just received a bottle of rose water for Christmas today and it was cracked open to make this drink.  At full strength, it might have been a bit much for this recipe in the amounts written, but it was still a delicious cocktail that we will try again.

sheep commented on 5/15/2021:

Quite excellent - tastes better than the nose. Syrup seems necessary. Could play with Heering/Luxardo proportions?