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1 2⁄3 oz Gin, Gabriel Boudier Saffron
2 1⁄2 t Orange Curaçao, Marie Brizard (Dry or any bitter orange liqueur)

Stir and strain into a martini glass


Originally made at Mother's Ruin Gin Palace using liqueurs and bitters we make on site. But I think a good version could be made using commercially available ingredients. A good orange bitters of any brand, and a bitter orange liqueur such as dry curaçao should stand in well

Cocktail summary
Picture of Saffron and Bitter Orange Martini
Created by
Becky Wynn Griffiths, Mother's Ruin Gin Palace, London, UK
Is the
author's original creation
Not yet rated
User rating
4 stars
(5 ratings)
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From other users
  • I like it, but it needs something to provide some dynamic tension. I think that next time I will muddle in some black pepper, then double strain.
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Zachary Pearson commented on 9/05/2015:

Curated this: Capitalized the name of the drink. Cleaned up the notes section quite a bit - added Gabriel Boudier Saffron as a brand of gin. Corrected Dolin entry to Blanc Vermouth. Cleaned up the instructions - removed the recap of the drink. Thanks, Zachary

Joe White commented on 12/17/2022:

Subbed in Sipsmith for the Gin. Subbed in Cocchi Extra Dry for the vermouth. Added in cracked smoked black pepper and shook as though there were citrus. Added half a star, IMHO.