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1⁄2 oz Navy strength rum, Smith & Cross
1⁄2 oz Demerara syrup (2:1)
1 pn Salt
2 oz India Pale Ale (to top)
1 ds Bitters, Bitter Truth Aromatic (as garnish)

Dry shake then shake, strain into a fizz glass, top with beer and garnish with a line of aromatic bitters.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Christina Rando, Franklin Mortgage & Investment Co, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (USA)
Is an
authentic recipe
Not yet rated
User rating
3 stars
(1 rating)
Yields Drink

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DrunkLab commented on 2/20/2016:

I had this back when my bar hosted a Franklin pop-up in NYC. This is so much more delicious than it has any right to be. What looks like a hodgepodge of ingredients on paper comes together into rich deliciousness on the tongue. Recommended.