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2 1⁄2 oz Reposado Tequila, Roca PatrĂ³n
1⁄2 oz Honey syrup (Acacia if possible)
1⁄2 oz Lemon juice
1 ds Mace tincture (with arnica flower-wormwood)
1 Tea, Chai
1 pn Nutmeg (as garnish)

Place all liquid ingredients in a shaker tin, and add ice. Shake for 5-6 seconds, then add chai tea bag. Shake for 5 more seconds. Fine strain twice into a porcelain tea cup. Garnish with orange oils and freshly grated nutmeg. Finish by adding one large piece of clear ice.


For chocolate bitters, a less sweet chocolate taste is preferred.
For tincture - use mace and Arnica Flower-Wormwood in equal amounts.


A cocktail to commemorate the battle between France and Mexico, which started as a result of a French baker's establishment being destroyed during the civil war prior. Rock Patron Reposed tequila because of it's elevated alcohol content; Dolin Rouge because of it's orange and vanilla aromas, and French heritage; Acacia Honey to represent the aguamiel, and to elevate the honey notes in the tequila; Lemon juice to add acidity and to tie all of the flavours together; Chocolate bitters as an ode to that French baker; Arnica Flower-Wormwood tincture for length on the finish.

Cocktail summary
Picture of The Pastry War Cocktail
Created by
Brandon Baker
Is the
author's original creation
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5 stars
(1 rating)
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