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3⁄4 oz Averna
1⁄2 oz Islay Scotch, Lagavulin 16 (Ardbeg is a good substitute)
1⁄2 oz Gran Classico
1 twst Orange peel

Fill a mixing glass with ice. Add rye, Averna, Scotch, Gran Classico, and bitters. Stir for 30 seconds, or until well chilled. Strain into a coupe.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Lolinda, 2518 Mission St, San Francisco
Is of
unknown authenticity
5 stars
User rating
4.5 stars
(24 ratings)
Yields Drink

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From other users
  • I made with Laphroig and the smoke definitely dominated. Hardly a bad thing!
  • Unctuous, multi-layered Manhattan substitute. Rich, warm.
  • Made this in the middle of August to use up some rye before moving--it's definitely more of a winter drink, but absolutely outstanding! Subbed Campari with a splash of Florio Amaro for the Gran Classico.
  • Sub Campari with a little Amaro Nonino for Gran Classico
  • Unbelievably delicious! So well balanced. Agree that it is a touch too sweet and will try slightly more rye next time.
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lesliec commented on 6/29/2019:

Curated: bitters and twist to match source.

Kindred Cocktails commented on 6/29/2019:

Delicious indeed. A touch sweet. I substituted Luxardo Bitter Bianco and used 1 1/2 oz rye and a long stir to combat the sugar.

Shawn C commented on 4/04/2023:

Brilliant and surprisingly well-balanced combination of intense flavors: essentially a Black Manhattan mated to my favorite Islay scotch with the bracing bitterness/almost syrupy sweetness of Gran Classico. Next time I will serve it in a double old-fashioned/rocks glass over a large clear cube. The addition of the Lagavulin has me thinking "Black Watch Manhattan," but the present name will do.

PGman commented on 6/01/2023:

I love Islay single malts, but to me the the butch Lagavulin 16 overpowers the flavors of the other ingredients.
Consider using either less, or try a moderately smoky/peaty single malt like the brilliant Talisker’s Distiller’s Edition or Caol Ila 12 year. PG