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1 1⁄2 oz Fernet Branca
1 oz Orgeat
1 spg Mint (large, as garnish)
1 sli Orange (as garnish)

Build in Collins glass filled with crushed ice, swizzle until frost forms, garnish.


Created in Houston, but named after the popularity of Fernet Branca in San Francisco.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Matt Tanner, Anvil Bar & Refuge, Houston, TX
Is an
authentic recipe
Not yet rated
User rating
4 stars
(19 ratings)
Yields Drink

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From other users
  • Amazing Fernet focused long-drink. Check out the Fernet Sling for another Fernet long-drink.
  • Delicious. Jeff loved. — ★★★★
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Dan commented on 2/06/2011:

Added garnishes, instructions, and attribution link.

Dan commented on 6/09/2011:

Updated with the corrected authentic recipe. The previous recipe was guesswork and had too much lemon, not enough orgeat, not enough orange bitters, and included club soda. The drink should be built and swizzled to create dilution. I do think a bit of seltzer was nice, but I shook the drink to prevent excess dilution from melting.

Dan commented on 8/27/2011:

This is a fabulous drink, and a great introduction to Fernet. I removed club soda, which is not in the authentic recipe. If one desires club soda, you might note it in the comments section of your Cocktail Book entry.

christina in tacoma commented on 9/11/2011:

I need to try this recipe again when I have the proper ingredients. I used Torani almond syrup, and the artificial almond extract flavor is getting in the way. Guess it is time to make my own. Also, I have Regan's orange bitters- I would love to know if they are similar to the Angostura Orange, or if it would be reasonable to have both. But even with the low quality orgeat, I find this strangely addicting.

Zachary Pearson commented on 9/11/2011:

First, the KC orgeat recipe is awesome (I should know... it's my take on fxcuisine's version). It's also a great way to meet cocktail-minded friends: the recipe makes 3 liters of orgeat, so you can make two other people insanely happy.

I think it's worth picking up both Regans' and Ango orange - Regans' is like orange breathmint - it has a lighter orange aroma and a green freshness to it. Ango orange is more juicy, like the peel of an incredibly beautiful orange. 

You are right in saying this is an addicting drink, though! 



christina in tacoma commented on 9/24/2011:

I made this again with homemade orgeat, and it is just sublime. I rounded up a bit on the orgeat, and down on the angostura orange bitters, and it really was just perfect.

christina in tacoma commented on 10/24/2011:

So, this may be my favorite, most frequently made cocktail (at least in the top few). I think the best version increases the orgeat (homemade) to 1.5 oz and decreases the orange bitters to a few dashes.

DrunkLab commented on 4/02/2013:

Made this with homemade falernum and orgeat (Kevin Liu's recipe, which takes all of two minutes and is delicious), dropping the orange bitters to a few dashes per the suggestions here. I ended up wanting more almond flavor so I upped the orgeat by a half ounce per christina in tacoma's suggestion and still found it balanced (my orgeat's not too sweet). Much more accessible than I expected; tart and lemony and spicy and light, with the menthol-y herbaceousness of the Fernet but basically none of the bitterness. I didn't know Fernet could be so friendly.

hypoxicboy commented on 5/20/2013:

Made this last night; it's going in my top-10! Amazingly delicious - plus it takes enough of the bitter edge off the Fernet that I think it might make for a great drink to introduce Fernet to Fernet-virgins. ;)