Reverse dry shake; serve up; garnish with 5 drops of tiki bitters, an expressed lemon twist, and a piece of candied ginger.
The nose is complex, with the pie spices of the bitters brightened by ginger, lemon oil, and juniper. Egg froth gives the sip a dairy creaminess in texture. Sip is bright sweet and sour, with the chocolate flavors coming up behind. The vanilla in the Tempus Fugit is brought out, combining with the citrus to add Creamsicle notes. The pepper liqueur is surprisingly subtle, quelled I suppose by the egg white, which in fact softens all of the flavors. To temper that softening effect, don’t use too much egg white—if mixing two drinks I’d probably suggest using the white of one egg for both. (The drink works quite well with leaving the egg white out entirely, but then it didn't qualify for the challenge!)
Made for the Reddit Original Cocktail Competition, April 2023: Gin & Egg. The required ingredients called to mind a White Lady, so my starting point was wondering what liqueurs might be subbed for the triple sec in that recipe. The odd flavor combo at the heart of the also-classic Twentieth Century cocktail—lemon and chocolate—occurred to me, followed by the inspiration that the chocolate component could be like Mexican chocolate, which often incorporates flavors like cinnamon, chiles, and ginger.
For the name, I asked myself what you might call a White Lady in Mexico.