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2 oz Rye (or bourbon)
1 Cherry, Luxardo (as garnish)

Stir, strain, straight-up, cocktail glass, garnish.


Some recipes call for only 3/4 oz of vermouth for a stiffer, less sweet Manhattan. Use Carpano Antica make a complex and interesting version.

Cocktail summary
Posted by Dan on
Created by
Jerry Thomas, The Bar-Tender's Guide, or earlier.
Is an
altered recipe

Gary Regan, The Joy of Mixology

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User rating
4.5 stars
(92 ratings)
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From other users
  • Better with bourbon
  • Always with Rye, the spicier the better!
  • Personal favorite: 2 oz Bulleit, 1/2 oz Carpano Antica, 1 ds Fee Brothers, 1 bs Luxardo maraschino liqueur, Luxardo cherry garnish.
  • Bit too strong for cheap bourbon
  • I had my first Manhattan in The Club Lounge at the Ritz-Carlton Battery Park in New York City. My Preference: Rittenhouse 100 Rye BIB with Cocchi Vermouth di Torino - Served on the Rocks
  • 2.5oz Rittenhouse 1oz Carpano Antica Formula 2 dashes Angostura
  • Very nice. Want to try Perfect (half Dry/Half sweet vermouth) at some point.
  • Along the Bourbon Trail Sub 1 oz vermouth with 1/2 oz sweet + 1/2 oz dry Garnish with lemon twist
  • Variation: a Perfect Manhattan, 2oz rye, 1/3oz sweet vermouth, 2/3oz dry vermouth, orange bitters. A less sweet, more interesting version.
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christina in tacoma commented on 10/14/2011:

I had almost given up on Manhattans, until an awesome bartender made me one with Black Maple Hill Bourbon and Carpano Antica...

Beverage Nerds commented on 1/12/2012:

For our use: Maker's Mark bourbon, Carpano Antica sweet vermouth. Served on the rocks. commented on 10/14/2012:

Irish-Scots Manhattan variation: Use Irish whiskey (Jameson) and a heavy rinse (small puddle) of Islay Scotch (Lagavulin 16), plus a 3rd dash of Angostura. (Editor's note: posted on behalf of jughead to consolidate Manhattan recipes.)

tophat665 commented on 4/13/2013:

Finest kind. I prefer to make it with a half and half mix of Noilly Pratt Dry and Carpano Antica sweet vermouth, 1:4 with a mix of ryes (Pepper's 1776 and Old Overholt is nice) with orange and angostura bitters, and a lemon twist as well as the cherry.

Cocktailian commented on 4/15/2013:

Have you tried one w/ Maker's 46? That, Carpano Antica, and Bittercube Cherry Bark Vanilla Bitters makes the most perfect Bourbon Manhattan

J.S-g. commented on 5/23/2016:

Tonight I tried a Perfect Manhattan with Bulleit Rye, Vermouth del Professore Rosso and Vermouth la Canellese along with one dash of Angostura and one dash of Peychaud's. Very nice, indeed.

jmedlong commented on 7/06/2018:

Tequila variant - Substitute 2oz reposado tequila for the whisky, and 2 dashes of Scrappy's Firewater Tincture for the bitters.