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2 oz Midwest Wheat White Whiskey, Koval
3⁄4 oz Dry vermouth, Ransom
1⁄4 oz Crème Yvette
1⁄2 oz Lemon juice

Shake with ice; strain into a chilled coupe


*if you're unable to use Koval, another wheat or barley based white whiskey will work; avoid corn based whiskeys


Another brilliant cocktail from Britt Buckley at Buckley's Restaurant & Bar in Milwaukee. The interesting combination of white whiskey and Ransom's vermouth gives the drink a cereal-ie sweetness tempered by the heavy herbal blend. And the Yvette gives it a very, very subtle berry note, and just enough pinkness for name

Cocktail summary
Created by
Britt Buckley, Buckley's Restaurant & Bar
Is the
author's original creation
Not yet rated
User rating
4 stars
(5 ratings)
Yields Drink

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