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1 oz Bourbon
1 1⁄4 oz Cynar
1⁄2 oz Fernet Branca
1⁄2 oz Campari
1 bsp Absinthe (scant, can also sub Herbsaint)
1 bsp Maraschino cherry syrup, Luxardo (scant)
3 twst Lemon peel (express oil)

Combine all ingredients in mixing glass (express oil from lemon peels and discard), stir, rock.

Cocktail summary
Is the
author's original creation
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User rating
4 stars
(22 ratings)
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From other users
  • Swapped the measurements of the Bourbon and Cynar and reduced Fernet to 1/4oz. As I drink it, might want to reduce the Cynar a bit or sub in a different Amaro....but still like it.
  • Excellent drink wouldn’t change a thing
  • Very nice. Very complex. Reduced Fernet to 1/4. Dribbles of Absinthe and Luxardo — ★★★★★
  • Strong, menthol, bourbon. If you contemplate the drink you can taste the cynar and maraschino, good drink for contemplating life.
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lesliec commented on 4/28/2015:

I reallly like this - pushes all my bitterest buttons. Wife hated it. Can't win 'em all ...

bitterhole commented on 4/30/2015:

I won't lie - it's bitter as hell. On purpose. :)

Travis Bickel commented on 12/16/2022:

Swapped the measurements of the Bourbon and Cynar and reduced Fernet to 1/4oz. As I drink it, might want to reduce the Cynar a bit or sub in a different Amaro....but still like it.