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2 oz Rhum Agricole (Longueteau white 62%)
3⁄4 oz Apple syrup (Homemade)
1⁄2 oz Suze
1⁄8 oz Mastika
1 ds Bitters (Bittermens Winter melon)
2 lf Sage

Pour all in blender and blend. Filter trough linen. Serve in rock glass with a huge ice cube.


Sage : if the leafs are around one finger long, 2 should be enough.
I've used small sage , 1/3 finger and thin. Around 8 to 10.

Apple syrup: (waste) peels and cores from apples. Cover with sugar like oleo sacharum.
Let sit overnight. Add 2/3 volume boiling water. Let sit overnight. Strain. Bottle.

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