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1 1⁄4 oz Gin
1 oz Amaro (Liquore Kapriol (must use this))
3⁄4 oz Suze
1 twst Orange peel

Stir with ice, strain into a coupe, squeeze and discard orange zest


I've hesitated to post this due to my perception that Liquore Kapriol could be hard to find. It's very heavily juniper-flavoured - supergin, if you like - and I've never tasted an amaro like it. But if you can find it, try this drink. I hope you like it as much as I do.


Named for its resemblance in colour to Vaseline glass - see photo. The glass contains small amounts of uranium salts which give it its colour and make it glow brightly under UV light. The drink does NOT contain uranium!

Cocktail summary
Picture of Vaseline
The Vaseline glass is by Geo. Davidson - vintage around 1890-1900.
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Is the
author's original creation
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4.5 stars
(2 ratings)
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Shawn C commented on 8/10/2023:

Needs minor editing because Dolin blanc is not a "dry vermouth." I assume that Dolin blanc is intended as given. I think it has to be selected under "Bianco vermouth", shown as (blanc vermouth) which then changes to Bianco...a little confusing. After that Dolin can be selected as the brand. I run into the same problem with Comoz except worse because Comoz isn't an option as a brand and must be entered as a note. It only shows up as a note when searching rather by ingredient, which is unfortunate/limiting. Comoz is a particularly useful vermouth, much less sweet than blanc, but not dry.

Shawn C commented on 8/19/2023:

Tried the drink. Beautiful color, very good flavor (I don't use Suze enough and this was a good excuse to use it), but quite sweet because that is the nature of three of the components. To cut the sweetness back the next time I make it, I will probably sub Comoz or Dolin Dry for the Blanc, and I might cut back to 3/4 on the Kapriol. Comoz has about 2/3 or less of the sugar in Dolin Blanc or Bianco Vermouth, really handy to have in the tool belt for fine tuning a recipe.

I have a similar white Negroni variant, Cansiglio Bianco Negroni, which alters Kapriol's Negroni recipe. I gave it some drying bitterness and long finish via Malort (which is quite clean/one-dimensional.) Note that I classified Kapriol as "herbal liqueur" rather than as an amaro. The makers of Kapriol have another product they call "Distilleria dell'Alpe Amaro del Cansiglio" so the amaro classification could prove problematic. I need to see if I can lay my hands on the amaro. Whatever the curators want to do with it, I hope we can settle on a designation and make Kapriol a direct entry at KC.

lesliec commented on 8/27/2023:

Thanks for your comments, Shawn - and I'm glad you liked the drink. For amusement tonight I made two versions, one with Dolin Blanc, the other with Dolin Dry. Wifey and I really can't taste much difference, but if we had to pick one we'd both go for the blanc version. Although it's subtle there's something more interesting on the nose than with the dry version. It would be worth trying other vermouths, as you have; Dolin is what I've got at the moment.
Regarding the classification of Kapriol, I'm happy to call it a herbal liqueur rather than an amaro, but I'll leave the decision on that, plus adding it to the 'standard' list of ingredients, to my Kindred colleagues.