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1⁄2 oz Averna
1⁄2 oz Cynar
1 twst Grapefruit peel (express and discard)

Stir with ice and strain into a rocks glass. Twist a grapefruit peel over the top and discard.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Sam Gabrielli, Temple Bar, Cambridge, MA
Is an
authentic recipe
4 stars
User rating
4 stars
(38 ratings)
Yields Drink

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From other users
  • Nice sweet Manhattan-y / OF riff. A bit non-descript - I don't really taste the Cynar. Grapefruit twist is a nice touch.
  • A bit sweeter than a Manhattan and a whole lot more bitter.
  • A strong but favorable drink . Perhaps over a large ice cube ? Perhaps better with a lower proof rye?
  • Really good, rittenhouse backbone but well balanced by this split amaro flavor, with a nice floral finish — ★★★★
  • Excellent Manhattan-esque cocktail. Slightly sweet. On menu at Russell House Tavern, Harvard Sq, Cambridge. — ★★★★
  • Tasty, sweeter version of manhattan. Very nice
  • A sweet, more complex Manhattan, the two amari and one liqueur playing complexly and deliciously on the back of the tongue. I served on the rocks With the grapefruit peel twist - I think it's better that way. Made with Temple
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mahastew commented on 12/18/2012:

Delightful. Almost dessert-y in its decadence.

yarm commented on 9/28/2020:

Sam was influenced by the Peralta with how well rye, Cynar, and grapefruit elements come together. He's put this on the menu at almost every bar he's worked at. I made a bunch when I worked under Sam at Russell House Tavern starting in 2013, and he's brought it to South Carolina where it was on the menu at Proof in Charleston for years. At Russell House Tavern, we used to toast good moments by splitting the drink in a V.T.O. (Valkyrie Time Out).