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4 lf Mint (plus one more for garnish)
1 sli Lemon
1 oz Bourbon
3⁄4 oz Rhubarb syrup
1 oz Hard cider (dry)

In a shaker, muddle mint leaves and lemon. Add Bourbon and syrup and shake. Strain into a coupe, top with cider, garnish with a mint leaf.


To make the rhubarb syrup, take two cups of chopped rhubarb, 1/2 cup sugar and 1/2 cup water. Simmer this for 8-10 minutes unti rhubarb is soft. Remove from heat and let cool slightly, then strain, pressing the rhubarb to extract liquid.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Tasting Table Kitchens
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Zachary Pearson commented on 6/04/2015:

Curated this. Moved syrup recipe to the notes. Rewrote instructions to avoid copyright infringement. Added date. Thanks,  Zachary