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1 1⁄2 oz Gold rum (Puerto Rican/Cuban style)
1⁄2 oz Lime juice
1⁄2 oz Orange juice
1⁄4 oz Honey
1⁄4 oz Butter (See note)
1 ds Cinnamon syrup (1/4 teaspoon)

Blend at high speed for 20 seconds, strain through wire-mesh strainer into a tall glass, top with more ice.


The combination of butter, honey, pimento dram, vanilla syrup, and cinnamon syrup is known as Don's Gardenia Mix or Pearl Diver mix. It is best batched as follows: 1 oz butter 1 oz honey 1 t cinnamon syrup and 1/2 t each of allspice and vanilla. Combine and cream in a sauce pan. For more information, see here: (note that the Punch is a separate recipe from the standard Pearl Diver).

Cocktail summary
Created by
Don the Beachcomber
Is an
authentic recipe

Jeff Berry, Sippin' Safari, 2007.

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User rating
4 stars
(1 rating)
Yields Drink

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