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2 oz Gin, Broker's
1 oz Dry vermouth, Dolin (or Noilly Prat)
1⁄2 t Bénédictine
1 twst Lemon peel

Stir with ice in a mixing glass and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with a lemon twist.


I first tried this cocktail at the Varnish in Los Angeles. Nice and clean with that spicy, herbal influence from the Benedictine.


There are two versions of the Poet's Dream floating around the other calls for equal parts gin, vermouth, and Bénédictine. This modification is from a 1934 English drink book, the kind that rounds up recipes from everybody else's books and prints them without credit.

Cocktail summary
Is an
authentic recipe

Esquire Magazine

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From other users
  • Dry Martini with a herbal twist. Might try a tad more Benedictine. Nice with tanqueray. Probably worth trying more interesting gins. Used an orange twist.
  • Gin Martini with a few accents. For those who find traditional martinis to be too dry.
  • Interesting Martini take. Somehow tasted slightly effervescent. Not sure I tasted the Benedictine at all though.
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