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2 ds Aztec Chocolate bitters, Fee Brothers
1 twst Orange peel (or Luxardo cherry, as garnish)

Stir all ingredients with ice. Serve up. Garnish with orange peel and/or Luxardo cherry.


Not as sweet as one might think.

Cocktail summary
Picture of Black Forest Cocktail
Created by
James Leslie Kennell
Is the
author's original creation
Not yet rated
User rating
3.5 stars
(6 ratings)
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  • nice - easy could go a bit less on the bourbon
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MOJO1229 commented on 2/14/2018:

A great cocktail for bourbon lovers. I had to scramble for ingredients. Lacking Elijah Craig Bourbon (it got finished off last November) I reached for Woodford Reserve. And lacking R & W cherry liqueur, I grabbed for Luxardo liqueur. Together, these ingredients made this wonderful libation. But, I suspect that Black Forest Cocktail would have been in the 4.0 range had I the called for ingredients. As it was, I rated Black Forest Cocktail 4.5 with what I could pull down from my shelves. A great cocktail, regardless!

Craig E commented on 2/15/2018:

It's worth noting for the record that Rothman and Winter cherry liqueur and Luxardo maraschino liqueur are radically different in flavor profile (though either might well work in this drink!).

lesliec commented on 2/16/2018:

I used Cherry Heering because ... it was there. Not bad, but we felt it needed something to round it out a little. Maybe turn it into a flip with a whole egg?