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1⁄2 oz Rye
1⁄2 oz Bourbon
1⁄2 oz Scotch (blended or a mild single malt, like Glenfiddich)
1⁄2 oz Apple brandy, Lairds
1⁄4 oz Demerara syrup
2 ds Orange bitters (Bittercube barrel aged)
1 twst Orange peel (as garnish)
1 twst Lemon peel (as garnish)

Combine all except garnish in a mixing glass with ice. Stir well, pour into old fashioned glass half-filled with ice (preferably one big rock). Cut and twist wide orange and lemon peels over glass, adding to glass as garnish.


I needed a cocktail that combined Scotch, bourbon and rye. I started from The Conference, and riffed from there.

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From other users
  • Very good. Used Laird's AJ, Buf. Trace, Redemption Rye, Dewars, 2:1 dem syr., Sprayed Laphroiag. Could use less Dem. as it was 2:1. Nice work!
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