The Chunnel

2 oz Gin, Hendrick's
3⁄4 oz Meyer lemon juice

Fill a cocktail shaker halfway with ice and add the elderflower liqueur, gin, and lemon juice. Shake vigorously until the sides of the shaker are frosty, about 20 to 30 seconds. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass, garnish with lemon twist, and serve.

Town Hall, SF
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Similar cocktails
  • Bloody Sidecar — Gin, Triple sec, Pomegranate juice
  • Juniper Flip — Gin, Elderflower liqueur, Grapefruit juice, Wild hibiscus syrup, Whole egg

<br />A simple but satisfying cocktail, even in these waning days of fall. I ran out of Hendrick's, so I used Citadelle, which, like Hendrick's, is Juniper light and floral heavy. And fortunately I had several Meyer lemons on hand (NOTE: they keep in the frig for months, so it's worthwhile to have some on hand--they're versatile). I knew from my experience making G & T and adding Elderflower liqueur, that The Chunnel should be a satisfying drink.

It was that and more. The Elderflower ligqueur added complexity and some sweetness that would otherwise be missing. The Meyer lemon is a must for this drink; its tartness is soft but detectable, and not overwhelming. Ironically, the lemon twist, with its expressed oil, add a taste that is hard to describe, but is sorely essential for making this drink delightful. Easily, I rate this drink as 4.0. Try it, even in these late fall days. I guarantee you won't be disappointed. Be sure, however, to use a gin such as Hendrick's and Citadelle, which is Juniper light and floral heavy. Otherwise, you may be sorely disappointed.

Norwegian Sunset

1 1⁄2 oz Aquavit
3⁄4 oz Aperol
5 dr Bitters, Regans' orange bitters (as garnish)

Stir, strain, coupe, garnish with bitters.


Note - units on bitters are drops, not dashes!

Authentic recipe
Jesse Held, Marvel Bar, Minneapolis
Source reference, which cites book called Northstar Cocktails.

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  • cynar instead of vermouth
  • Gorgeous amber color.
Similar cocktails
  • Latvian Black Hole Sun — Aquavit, Black Balsams, Bianco Vermouth, Orange bitters, Alchermes, Orange
  • Baltic Black Negroni — Aquavit, Black Balsams, Mirto, Orange bitters, Orange peel
  • Blood Eagle — Aquavit, Sherry, Amaro Nardini, Campari, Fernet Vallet, Orange peel, Grapefruit peel
  • Argyle — Aquavit, Dry vermouth, Amaro Meletti, Maraschino Liqueur, Bitters, Lemon peel
  • Great Dane — Aquavit, Aromatized wine, Zwack Unicum Plum, Grapefruit peel

Dear Elisabetta

1⁄2 oz Ginger liqueur, Domaine de Canton (Big O Ginger if Possible)

Combine all ingredients. Dry shake, then add ice. Shake and strain into a cocktail glass. Finish with a 3 second Angostura Flame.

Your original creation
Ted Kilgore, Taste, St. Louis, Mo
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Similar cocktails
  • A-go Flip — Bitters, Pedro Ximénez Sherry, Dominican Rum, Whole egg, Demerara syrup, Cinnamon
  • Florentine Flip — Amaro Nonino, Sweet vermouth, Bénédictine, Bitters, Whole egg, Orange flower water
  • Running With The Devil — Amargo-Vallet, Fernet Vallet, Ancho Reyes chile liqueur, Bitters, Whole egg, Amargo de Chile, Cinnamon syrup
  • Darkness in Brooding — Batavia Arrack, Cynar 70, Zucca, Coffee liqueur, Orange peel
  • Holloway — Bitters, Sorel liqueur, Orgeat, Cream, Rose petal


3⁄4 oz Aperol
1⁄2 oz Honey
1⁄4 oz Allspice Dram
3⁄4 oz Orange juice

Combine all ingredients. Shake and strain into a highball glass with a large rock. Grapefruit twist garnish.

Travis Garner, Taste, St. Louis, Mo
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From other users
  • The pieces don't really fit together. Also, you can reduce (or even skip) the honey.
  • This is rather bland and missing something. Maybe 1/4 lime juice to bump the acidity? Also a drop or two of bar saline solution would probably help. Would also 1/4 oz of maple syrup instead of honey.
  • Disliked the first sip but somewhat warmed up to this. Used honey syrup per comments.
  • A little too sweet, and the honey clumps with the ice. Suggest using 1/2 oz honey syrup (1:1) instead of the 1/2 oz honey. Should solve both problems.
Similar cocktails
louBD commented on 9/01/2021:

I would say cut honey in half, using a syrup. Add lemon to taste. That adds a little bit of tartness to balance out all the sweet ingredients. Plus a lemom wheel is a really nice garnish to offset the pink aperol/bourbon color.

The grapefruit bitters really add something to this drink, and when I originally forgot them it definitely missed something. Nice and complex.

Agree with the comment of saline solution. I'm enjoying this beverage.

Date Expectations

1 1⁄2 oz Añejo rum, Angostura (5yr rum infused with dates and pears)
1⁄2 oz Maple syrup
3⁄4 oz Lemon juice

Combine all ingredients. Shake and strain into a cocktail glass. Date skewered onto a rosemary sprig as a garnish.


To infuse the Rum: 2 pears sliced, 8 dates infused for 2 days.

Your original creation
Ted Kilgore, Taste, St. Louis, Mo
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From other users
  • Infused the rum in a iSi nitro whipper and then garnished with a date strip. Several kinds of sweet. Rich. Excellent.
Similar cocktails
  • The Shark Eye — Bourbon, Rye, Maraschino Liqueur, Peychaud's Bitters, Bitters, Curaçao, Lemon juice, Passion fruit syrup
  • Surfcaster — Jamaican rum, Pineapple rum, Allspice Dram, Lime juice, Simple syrup, Passion fruit puree
  • Kentucky Dandy — Bourbon, Elderflower liqueur, Apricot liqueur, Absinthe, Lemon juice, Mint
  • Son of a Preacher Man — Bourbon, Elderflower liqueur, Orange bitters, Absinthe, Grapefruit juice, Lemon juice, Simple syrup
  • Gold Coast Punch — Gold rum, Pineapple juice, Lime juice, Simple syrup

Easy Speak

3⁄4 oz Cynar
1⁄4 oz Simple syrup
1 ds Bitters
1 twst Lemon peel (as garnish)

Combine, add ice, stir and strain into a chilled coupe or an Old Fashioned glass. Express lemon peel, rub around rim and drop into cocktail. May also be served over one large ice cube if you so desire.


My homage to the nostalgia of the classic Speakeasy. Though more true to the golden age of cocktails, when all you needed was a spirit, sugar, lemon and some bitters.


Featured in Difford's Guide

Picture of Easy Speak
2011 Kindred Cocktails
Your original creation
Scott Diaz, Seattle, WA
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4 stars
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From other users
  • Subbed 1/8 oz maple syrup for simple (we like our drinks less sweet). Chocolatey. Could be really great for autumn. — ★★★★
  • Simple but interesting. Would be worth trying with some other amaro/bitter combos...including bittermens mole, not Fees. Comes in hot, so maybe push cynar to a full oz.
  • 2:1:1/4, 4 to 5 drops
  • Tastes like a bitter Tootsie Roll. — ★★★★
  • Like a nice, mildly chocolatey Sazerac. Accessible, for such a boozy drink. — ★★★★
  • Used some Benedictine with whiskey instead of bourbon (all out), and a bit of maple syrup instead of simple (less). Nice sipper
Similar cocktails

Definitely use Bittermans The Bitter Truth Xocolatl Mole bitters. I know I put it under the chocolate bitters category but I did attempt with Fee Brothers Chocolate bitters and while still good, the chocolate was too pronounced. The mole bitters are far more complex and really round out the flavors.

Recipe looks fantastic. How would you describe the result? Anything interesting to "listen" for with the palate (flavors that you notice when someone else tells you to look for them)?

Personally I am very pleased with the taste, but of course I created it so I am definitely biased. I find that the Jim Beam Black pairs very nicely with the honey, gentian and sage essence that I taste with Cynar (funny how you don't really taste artichoke) especially since there is a high amount of rye mashed and it's a fairly low alcohol bourbon. I love the Bittermans Mole Bitters and it is such a fantastic and complex blend of flavors that it doesn't really have a big "chocolate" profile but a little more spice, like nutmeg, cinnamon, cheyenne, etc. Fee Aztec Chocolate Bitters made the end result a bit too rich. Also, I now usually only put in about a tsp of simple syrup as apposed to the 1/2 oz I originally did. I have a bit of a sweet tooth when it comes to cocktails but the bourbon and Cynar are rich enough. Thanks again and I hope you like it.

jaba commented on 5/22/2014:

The person I made this for keeps coming up to me and telling me how good this is. I love the generous use of the Xocolatl bitters.

I used Evan Williams Black for the bourbon.

Pretty good. For the unspecified bitters I used Angostura for one drink and Peychaud's for the other. Ango was better.

Ajvan commented on 12/05/2019:

Boozy, bittersweet, delicious. A reminder that you don't need a dozen ingredients to make a great cocktail. 

I have yet to meet anyone, and I mean anyone, who I have made this drink for who did not like it. The chocolate bitters puts it over the top. I use Bullet Bourbon and it's great. I also find that using maple syrup instead of simple syrup, especially bourbon barrel maple syrup, takes it to another level. My favorite go to cocktail. Thank you!

I like the concept of this one, but it's quite a bit too sweet for my taste. Not a bad drink, but for me, I'd eliminate the simple and cut the chocolate bitters to one or maybe two dashes.

Le Bourdonnement

1 oz Hum
1 oz Gin, Citadelle
1 oz Aromatized wine, Lillet Blanc
2 ds Orange bitters (Regan's)

Stir with ice and strain into a chilled old fashioned glass over large square ice cube, garnish with orange twist.

Picture of Le Bourdonnement
2011 The Venture Mixologist
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Similar cocktails
  • Orange and White — Blood Orange Liqueur, Bianco Vermouth, Old Tom Gin
  • Navy Proof — Navy strength gin, Aromatized wine, Campari, Lime juice, Simple syrup
  • Devil's Own — Gin, Dry vermouth, Triple sec, Bitters
  • Ford Cocktail — Old Tom Gin, Dry vermouth, Bénédictine, Orange bitters, Orange peel
  • Satantango — Gin, Aromatized wine, Maurin Quina, Dry vermouth, PInk grapefruit juice

The Carrauntouhill

2 oz Irish whiskey, Bushmill's
1 oz Averna
1⁄2 oz Coffee liqueur, Kahlua
1⁄4 oz Heavy cream

Dry shake egg white alone (and I do mean some serious shaking needs to be done here as the fat in the cream will actually quash some of the airiness of the frothy whites), a good 1-2 minutes is best. Add remaining ingredients and shake another 45 to 60 seconds with ice to chill. Double strain into a chilled cocktail glass.


Named for the highest peak in Ireland.

Picture of The Carrauntouhill
©2011 The Venture Mixologist
Your original creation
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  • Skipped egg
Similar cocktails
  • Black Irish — Irish whiskey, Sweet vermouth, Coffee liqueur, Bitters, Orange peel
  • Swat Mulligan — Scotch, Islay Scotch, Amargo-Vallet, Coffee liqueur, Orange peel
laerm commented on 9/26/2015:

I'd leave the cream out: I shook the hell out of it, but the froth dissipated when I added the rest. Maybe some atholl brose instead of the cream?

Nectar o(ld) f(ashioned) The Gods

1 1⁄2 oz Añejo tequila (Pueblo Viejo)
1⁄2 oz Mezcal, Del Maguey
1⁄4 oz Agave syrup (Orange-infused agave, see notes)
2 ds Grapefruit bitters (Bittermen's Hopped Grapefruit)

Add agave nectar to glass along with bitters and one ice cube, stir. Add tequila and mezcal, another ice cube, a few more stirs


Add 1/3 cup agave nectar, 1/3 cup water, and zest of one orange (6-8 wide strips) into a small saucepan. Heat until barely simmering, then reduce heat to low and steep for 20 minutes. Remove from heat and strain, pressing zest against strainer to extract as much oils as possible. When cool, add 1/4 oz tequila blanco (or neutral grain spirit) and store in fridge.


Unknown to me, Phil Ward of Death & Co first composed the 'Oaxaca Old Fashioned' in '09...while this version is my own recipe and a modification of his Oaxaca, I certainly defer to him with credit as the original/authentic creator -

Picture of Nectar o(ld) f(ashioned) The Gods
2011 The Venture Mixologist
Altered recipe
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  • Nice - but would probably stick with Phil Ward's version. — ★★★★
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Dan commented on 1/19/2012:

This sounds good, but is nearly identical to Phil Ward's Oaxaca Old Fashioned from about 2009. I think the idea of grapefruit bitters is nice. Smoke and citrus go together very well.

Agree, and just saw the post on the Oaxaca Old Fashioned, thanks..I've seen additional variations of it (Paul McGee at Whistler in Chicago). Updated my post to reflect the history, def not trying to upstage or knock off somebody else's cocktail..thanks again-

Whoa! Upside surprise! used orange bitters with agave and squeezed orange peel instead of infusion but worked great!

Five in the Hive

1 1⁄2 oz Rye, Rittenhouse
3⁄4 oz Lemon juice
3⁄4 oz Bärenjäger
1 twst Lemon peel

Shake all liquids with ice. Strain into chilled cocktail glass. Twist lemon peel and hang onto side of glass


Created for a Bärenjäger cocktail contest.

Authentic recipe
Meaghan Dorman
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3.5 stars
(11 ratings)
Similar cocktails
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  • Carpano Sour — Bourbon, Sweet vermouth, Lemon juice, Simple syrup, Egg white, Maraschino cherry
  • Golden Gun — Blended rum, Añejo rum, Apricot liqueur, Bitters, Lime juice, Demerara syrup, Grapefruit juice
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