Mother Night

1 oz Bourbon
1 oz Amaro (Amaro Foro)
1 T Apple cider vinegar (~.375oz)
1 T Maple syrup (~0.375oz)

Mix ingredients, shake, and serve

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  • ACV in a cocktail -- yes, please!
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Quick question about the instructions here - is it shake over ice and strain into a coupe? Thanks,  Zachary

Nordic Milk Punch

8 oz Aquavit, O.P. Anderson
2 oz Honey syrup (2:1)
8 oz Milk (Whole)
4 spg Dill (as garnish)

Fully mix syrup, Gran Classico, and vermouth in pitcher and put aside; boil milk in separate pan; turn off stove and add lemon; let sit 5m; add aquavit; straight through cheesecloth into pitch; strain again through coffee filter; bottle and chill; serve on ice in lowball glass



Authentic recipe
Alex Anderson, Cure, New Orleans
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  • I think I didn't fully clarify this but it was still delicious, if a little on the sweet size.
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Down for the Count (Negroni x Remember the Maine)

1 oz Gin
1⁄2 oz Campari
1 ds Absinthe
1 twst Orange peel (As garnish)

Stir with ice, strain into a rocks glass, fill with ice, and garnish with an orange twist.


I was inspired by the Canon Cocktail Books's Remember the Maine riff called the Remember the Alamo that utilized Punt e Mes instead of sweet vermouth. Originally, I wanted to merge both Cherry Heering drinks with a Boulevardier, but gin won out since I could come up with a name. Here, I paid homage both to Count Camillo Negroni and to sinking ships.

Your original creation
Frederic Yarm, Loyal Nine, Cambridge, MA
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Similar cocktails
  • Jumpin' Jive — Gin, Framboise, Cherry Liqueur, Amaro, Bitters
  • Floral bitterness — Gin, Suze, Sweet vermouth, Peach liqueur, Bitters
  • Fixer Upper — Gin, Sweet vermouth, Bigallet China-China, Fernet Branca, Bénédictine, Absinthe, Peychaud's Bitters, Grapefruit peel
  • Supercool Vieux Carré — Genever, Dark rum, Sweet vermouth, Bénédictine, Peychaud's Bitters, Bitters
  • Ardennes — Genever, Bonal Gentiane Quina, Bruto Americano

Frisco Rose

3⁄4 oz Rye
3⁄4 oz Apple brandy (Aged such as a VS Calvados or Laird's Bonded)
1⁄2 oz Bénédictine
1⁄2 oz Grenadine
1⁄2 oz Lemon juice
1 twst Lemon peel (As garnish)

Shake with ice, strain into a coupe glass, and garnish with a lemon twist.


After getting drink tickets for the Frisco Sour at work one night, I pondered how I could tinker with it. I ended up merging it with the Jack Rose which has been a cult drink in Boston ever since the Jack Rose Society formed here in 2005 and tested out every variation. The Boston version opts for lemon and a dash of Peychaud's. The Frisco Rose later became a drink of the day at Loyal Nine, and I put it on my guest menu at my book launch party at Backbar in 2017.

Your original creation
Frederic Yarm, Loyal Nine, Cambridge, MA
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  • Typically delicious mashup from Fred
Similar cocktails
  • Blushing Monk — Bourbon, Herbal liqueur, Cynar, Lemon juice, Raspberry syrup, Mint
  • Old World Charm — Cognac, Herbal liqueur, Cassis, Lemon juice, Lemon
  • Green Mountain — Cognac, Herbal liqueur, Lemon juice, Simple syrup, Mint
  • Morphin' Time — Rye, Becherovka, Lemon juice, Honey syrup
  • Destiny Street — Cognac, Herbal liqueur, Swedish Punsch, Lemon juice, Orange peel

Biff Malibu

1 oz Coconut rum, Malibu
1⁄2 oz Curaçao, Pierre Ferrand Dry Curaçao
1⁄2 oz Lime juice
1⁄2 oz Simple syrup

Shake ingredients thoroughly. Serve up in a cocktail glass or over cubes in a lowball glass.

Your original creation
Biff Malibu
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Similar cocktails
  • The 'Cue — Overproof rum, Absinthe, Pineapple syrup, Lime juice, Yuzu juice, Hot sauce, Lime
  • Ohana Joe — Pineapple rum, Overproof rum, Coffee liqueur, Pineapple juice, Lime juice, Rich demerara syrup 2:1
  • Coconut Swizzle — Coconut rum, Falernum, Allspice Dram, Jamaican rum, Bitters, Orange bitters, Lime juice
  • Golden Finch — Pineapple rum, Galliano, Crème de Banane, Orange bitters, Lime juice
  • Darling Nikki — Pineapple rum, Rum, Triple sec, Allspice Dram, Maraschino Liqueur, Bitters, Lime juice

Drunk Uncle

1 1⁄2 oz Islay Scotch
3⁄4 oz Cynar

Stir. Strain to cocktail glass

Shawn Soole
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Similar cocktails
  • Scotch Lodge — Islay Scotch, Cherry Liqueur, Cynar, Sweet vermouth, Orange bitters, Orange peel
  • Black Diamond Flip — Islay Scotch, Cynar, Nutmeg, Whole egg

Lady Midnight

1 1⁄2 oz Calvados (Or another style of aged apple brandy)
3⁄8 oz Bénédictine
1⁄8 oz Herbal liqueur, Green Chartreuse
1 part Cherry (As garnish)

Stir with ice, strain into a cocktail coupe, and garnish with a cherry.


For a drink of the day at Loyal Nine in 2016, I decided to do a Marconi Wireless riff to greet the autumn air. For modifiers to the Calvados and sweet vermouth base, I added Benedictine perhaps inspired by the Widow's Kiss and a touch of Green Chartreuse like a Marconi Wireless riff that I was served at Coppa. To bring out the darker notes in Benedictine, I embittered the mix with chocolate bitters. For a name, I tried to capture this fleeting but dark nature with a Leonard Cohen song title, Lady Midnight.

Your original creation
Frederic Yarm, Loyal Nine, Cambridge, MA
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From other users
  • For me, this may be one too many things going on
Similar cocktails
  • Too many reasons — Islay Scotch, Herbal liqueur, Pacharan, Fernet Branca, Lemon peel
  • Pee Bee & Jay — Peanut butter whiskey, Aromatized wine, Chambord

Schwifty Swizzle

1 oz Mezcal
1⁄2 oz Falernum
1⁄2 oz Herbal liqueur, Green Chartreuse
2 ds Peychaud's Bitters (to top)
3 spg Mint (as garnish)

Build all but bitters in Collins glass. Fill part way with crushed ice. Swizzle until chilled. Fill with more crushed ice and top with bitters. Garnish with mint bouquet

Dan Wertheim, Seaworthy, New Orleans, LA
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Fair Harvard

2 oz Pisco
1 twst Lemon peel (as garnish)

Stir; strain; up; garnish.


A non-carpet-staining riff (akin to the White Negroni) on the old Harvard cocktail that was brandy and sweet vermouth.

Authentic recipe
Robert Simonson, New York, New York (USA)
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2.5 stars
(3 ratings)
Similar cocktails
  • Peruvian Riddle — Pisco, Bianco Vermouth, Orange bitters
  • Swords Up — Pisco, Aromatized wine, Campari, Elderflower liqueur, Bitters
  • Mexican Nomad — Blanco tequila, Dry vermouth, Herbal liqueur
  • Careless Whisper — Navy strength rum, Dry vermouth, Sweet vermouth, Orange bitters, Bitters
  • Cloud 9 — Blanco tequila, Aromatized wine, Salers Gentiane, Lemon peel

Life's Not a Paragraph

1 oz Gin (WireWorks, see history, but others will work)
1 oz Light rum (Privateer, see history, but others will work)
3⁄4 oz Dry vermouth
1⁄4 oz Falernum
1 rinse Apricot liqueur (See instructions)
1 twst Orange peel (As garnish)

Stir with ice, strain into a cocktail coupe pre-rinsed with apricot liqueur (1/3 bsp Rothman & Winter), and garnish with an orange twist.


A few weeks ago, Boston's GrandTen Distillery announced its "Collab Cocktail Contest" in conjunction with the Massachusetts Distillers Alliance. They were seeking a cocktail using two or more Massachusetts distilled products with one of them being from GrandTen. Since I played a role in guiding the flavor profile of GrandTen's Wire Works Gin, that made for an obvious choice. I ended up choosing Privateer's Silver Rum as the other Massachusetts spirit, and I took things in a split base Georgetown Club direction. For a little extra panache, I added in a bell-ringer -- James Maloney's apricot liqueur rinse that was his signature move in his 1900 The Twentieth-Century Cocktail Guide for Mixing Fancy Drinks such as in his Martinez Bell-Ringer. For a name, I wanted to pay tribute to a local writer, and e.e. cummings grew up around a mile from our house, and dubbed this one after a line from one of his poems.

Your original creation
Frederic Yarm, Boston, MA
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(7 ratings)
Similar cocktails
  • Gin Rummy — Gin, Rum, Dry vermouth, Apricot liqueur, Bitters, Orange peel
  • Enjoy the Silence — Gin, Dry vermouth, Apple brandy, Orange bitters, Apricot liqueur, Cinnamon syrup

If we have to find subs for the spirits, would you suggest basics (London dry style gin? column-still rum?), or do yours have a character that would suggest a different direction? 

yarm commented on 5/22/2020:

For a rum, a quality white one with a touch of character. Plantation 3 Star would do well here and perhaps even El Dorado 3 Year. Even a solid, clean white rum can be gussied up by subbing in a half or a full barspoon of rhum agricole or cachaça. Overall, flavorful enough that you know you're drinking rum as opposed to something more neutral. Probitas might be interesting too. Privateer has some elegant tropical fruity notes and is a high quality distillated (meaning it never needed to be mellowed in a cask to make it taste alright).

For a gin, to describe Wireworks -- presence of juniper but not necessarily an aggressive one. Decent fruit notes with light spice. Drinkable neat. So perhaps a lighter style of dry gin like Plymouth or Aviation would work (less Beefeater or Tanqueray).

I didn't mean for this to be so brand specific -- it was just part of the drink's genesis.