Improved Kingston Negroni

1 oz Rum, Appleton Reserve (Appleton Signature Blend)
1⁄2 oz Navy strength rum, Smith & Cross
3⁄4 oz Zucca (Cappeletti Sfumato Rababaro)
1 ds Pimento bitters (1/8 oz Hamilton's Allspice Dram)
1 twst Orange peel (As garnish)

Stir with ice, strain into a double old fashioned glass with ice, and garnish with an orange twist.


Fred Yarm's substituted ingredients in parentheses.

Authentic recipe
Sother Teague - Amor y Amargo
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4 stars
(8 ratings)
From other users
  • Made with Pussers and CioCiaro. Likable, quite like the prototype but a touch more complex. I think I like the orange of CioCiaro more than I would have the smoke of Sfumato.
Similar cocktails
  • The Improved — Barbados Rum, Zucca, Sweet vermouth, Bitters, Navy strength rum, Orange peel
  • Toe Meets Leather — Nicaraguan Rum, Bermuda rum, Amaro, Bitters, Sweet vermouth, Coffee bean
  • Laughing Boy — Rum, Sweet vermouth, Fernet Branca, Amaro Meletti, Orange bitters, Bitters
  • Aftermath — Cuban rum, Demerara Rum, Virgin Islands Rum, Bitters, Rich demerara syrup 2:1
  • Original Cinn — Reposado Tequila, Rum, Amaro, Crème de Cacao, Bitters, Orange

Just got my first bottle of CioCiaro, so will give that a try too!

Mayan Mountain Mystic

1 oz Mezcal
3⁄4 oz Byrrh
1⁄4 oz Bénédictine
1 twst Orange peel (As garnish)

Stir with ice, strain into a rocks glass with a large ice cube, and garnish with an orange twist.


When I saw a reference to Paul McGee's Rum River Mystic, I remembered how much I enjoyed it and wondered if I could make a riff on it. Since I had been inspired by the mezcal-Fino sherry duo, I swapped them in for the original's rye and rum (or two rums depending on the recipe). Trying to keep the alliteration and location themes going, I dubbed this one the Mayan Mountain Mystic.

Your original creation
Frederic Yarm, Boston, MA
Curator rating
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4 stars
(2 ratings)
Similar cocktails
  • Burdick's Cocktail — Mezcal, Dry vermouth, Byrrh, Crème de Cacao, Peychaud's Bitters, Lemon peel
  • Spur of the Moment — Blanco tequila, Mezcal, Aromatized wine, Dry vermouth, Lemon bitters
  • Clearly Aloe'n — Mezcal, Bianco Vermouth, Aloe vera liqueur
  • '81 — Mezcal, Manzanilla sherry, Aromatized wine, Pear eau de vie, Bitters, Lemon peel
  • Smoke on the Horizon — Mezcal, Dry vermouth, Bruto Americano, Gran Classico, Orange peel, Lemon peel

Nova Scotia

1 1⁄8 oz Bourbon
2⁄3 oz Islay Scotch
1⁄4 oz Fernet Branca
1⁄4 oz Honey syrup
1 twst Lemon peel (as garnish)

Stir and Strain over Block Ice in a Double Rocks Glass. Garnish with a Lemon Twist


Created at Bulletin Place Sydney

Your original creation
Paul Hammond
Curator rating
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3 stars
(1 rating)
Similar cocktails
  • Roysty Nail — Blended Scotch, Islay Scotch, Sweet vermouth, Drambuie, Bitters, Lemon peel, Brandied cherry
  • Border Trilogy — Bourbon, Mezcal, Bitters, Piloncillo syrup, Grapefruit peel
  • Hearts of Oak — Bourbon, Irish whiskey, Islay Scotch, Bitters, Grade B maple syrup, Cinnamon stick
  • Jacques and Doris — Blended Scotch, Islay Scotch, Peychaud's Bitters, Lavender bitters, Suze, Cane syrup, Grapefruit peel
  • Devil Inside — Rye, Islay Scotch, Absinthe, Peychaud's Bitters, Rich demerara syrup 2:1, Lemon peel

Deep Breath

1 oz Light rum
2⁄3 oz Pineapple juice
2 t Orgeat
1⁄2 oz Lemon juice
3 ds Absinthe
1 1⁄2 oz Soda water
1 lf Mint (as garnish)

Double Shake and Double Strain Into a Fizz Glass (no ice) Charging with Soda Water. Garnish with a Mint Leaf


Created at Bulletin Place Sydney

Your original creation
Paul Hammond
Curator rating
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5 stars
(1 rating)
Similar cocktails
  • Coco de Agua — Light rum, Soda water, Coconut Water, Lime juice, Simple syrup, Mint
  • Soda Jerk — Tequila, Campari, Cola, Lime juice, Passion fruit puree, Vanilla syrup, Egg white, Lime peel
  • Verdita Fizz — Blanco tequila, Soda water, Ancho Reyes Verde chile liqueur, Lime juice, Pineapple syrup, Egg white, Cream
  • Landing Gear Fizz — Falernum, Sweet vermouth, Amontillado Sherry, Soda water, Lime juice, Mint, Lime
  • Honey Suckle — Cuban rum, Sherry, Club soda, Lime juice, Honey

Tantric Moped

1 1⁄2 oz Barbados Rum, Plantation 5 Year
1⁄2 oz Pineapple rum, Plantation Stiggins' Fancy
1⁄2 oz Lime juice
1⁄2 oz Cinnamon syrup
1⁄2 oz Amaro, Amaro di Angostura

Add ingredients to a mixing tin filled with ice, shake until the tin is frosted. Strain into a pint glass or tiki mug filled with fresh cracked ice or pebble ice. No garnish (unless you're going for full on Tiki)


Any decent blended aged rum should work, though some may require adjusting the volume of sweet ingredients.

Your original creation
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4 stars
(1 rating)
Similar cocktails
  • Mytoi Gardens — Demerara Rum, Allspice Dram, Bitters, Pineapple juice, Lime juice, Vanilla syrup
  • Dark Desires — Venezuelan rum, Allspice Dram, Coffee liqueur, Passion fruit syrup, Lime juice, Lime
  • Gantt's Tomb — Bermuda rum, Rye, Demerara Rum, Allspice Dram, Pineapple juice, Orange juice, Lemon juice, Simple syrup
  • Shark's Tooth — Rum, Cherry Liqueur, Maraschino Liqueur, Lime juice, Pineapple juice, Cane syrup
  • Cuban Pinnapple Cocktail — Rum, Falernum, Lime juice, Simple syrup

Pinkies Out

1 1⁄2 oz Gin, Fords
1⁄2 oz Campari
1 oz Egg white
1 oz Orange liqueur, Solerno
1 pn Orange peel (zested, as garnish)

Dry shake, shake, strain into a coupe, garnish.

Authentic recipe
Gina Chersevani, Buffalo & Bergen, Washington, D.C.
Curator rating
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Average rating
3 stars
(1 rating)
Similar cocktails
  • Nine Twenty Nine — Gin, Bitters, Lemon juice, Lemon syrup, Egg white, Vanilla extract
  • Garden Fizz — Gin, Aperol, Bitters, Lime juice, Grapefruit juice, Honey syrup, Egg white, Mint
  • The Flame Haired Lady — Gin, Triple sec, Lemon juice, Egg white, Gingerbread syrup, Cinnamon
  • Bronx Key — Gin, Bitters, Aromatized wine, Lime juice, Simple syrup, Egg white, Lime
  • Phony Negroni — Gin, Aperol, Sweet vermouth, Orange bitters, Grapefruit juice, Soda water, Lime juice, Cherry, Orange juice, Simple syrup, Orange

Tomb of the Caribs

1 1⁄2 oz Rhum Agricole (JM Blanc was what I used; a lightly aged agricole would work well too.)
1⁄2 oz Cynar
1⁄2 oz Honey syrup (1:1)
1⁄2 oz Lime juice
1 sli Lime (Lime wheel as garnish)

Build in a double Old Fashioned glass, add ice, stir, and garnish with a lime wheel inserted along the inside of the glass.


The drink started by noting how well agricole and Cynar pair, and then adding in honey to complement the Cynar. The lime juice is meant to cut the sweetness but keep things silky smooth in this stirred drink. For a name, I aimed to tie the drink back to the island of Martinique's history. When the island was settled by Europeans, the last remaining tribe there was the Caribs. One of the landmarks on the northern side of the island is a cliff called the Tomb of the Caribs. There, the last Caribs jumped instead of surrendering to the Europeans; it symbolically matched classic ‘Ti Punch service where ingredients are provided such that "each can prepare their own death."

Your original creation
Frederic Yarm, Loyal Nine, Cambridge, MA
Curator rating
Not yet rated
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4 stars
(5 ratings)
Similar cocktails
  • Bitter Bird — Virgin Islands Rum, Campari, Carrot juice, Lemon juice, Rich simple syrup 2:1
  • Beetox Margarita — Tequila, Beet Puree, Lime juice, Agave syrup, Beet, Mint
  • Twentynine Palms — Tequila, Cynar, Amontillado Sherry, Bitters, Lemon juice
  • Detox Retox — Blanco tequila, Cucumber juice, Mint syrup, Lime juice, Tea
  • Tigress of Forli — Sweet vermouth, Cynar, Elderflower liqueur, Lemon juice, Salt, Lemon peel

Substituted simple syrup for the honey syrup. It was solid, but unspectacular. I'd try again with the honey syrup, or maybe just straight honey.

Reconstructed Surfer on Acid

1 oz Pineapple rum, Plantation Stiggins' Fancy
1⁄2 oz Lime juice
1⁄2 oz Orgeat

Shake over ice, gated pour over fresh ice.

Authentic recipe
Dan Synder
Curator rating
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Average rating
4 stars
(7 ratings)
From other users
  • Didn't have Jäger, so used Gammel Dansk instead. A nice choice when you want something tropical but a little bitter. Solid — 4.5 if I could.
  • We like Surfer on Acid and would like to try this one as well.
Similar cocktails
No similar cocktails found.


3⁄4 oz Bourbon
3⁄4 oz Lemon juice
3⁄4 oz Bénédictine

Shake, strain, straight up, cocktail glass

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4 stars
(24 ratings)
From other users
  • Good brunch drink! Decreased Benedictine to 0.5 oz - could also try switching balance to 0.75 Benedictine and 0.5oz Amaro Montenegro (trying to keep sweetness lower).
Similar cocktails
  • Satisfying strangeness — Rye, Herbal liqueur, Bigallet China-China, Lime juice
  • Last Flight — Bourbon, Herbal liqueur, Aperol, Lemon juice, Lemon
  • True Syrum — Rye, Herbal liqueur, Triple sec, Orange bitters, Lime juice
  • They Shall Inherit the Earth — Brandy, Triple sec, Bénédictine, Lemon juice
  • Muertito Vivo — Añejo rum, Jägermeister, Demerara Rum, Lime juice, Grapefruit juice, Cinnamon syrup, Cinnamon stick, Orchid

8th Arrondissement

1 1⁄2 oz Cognac
1⁄2 oz Grenadine
1⁄2 oz Amer Picon
1⁄2 oz Lemon juice
1 twst Orange peel (As garnish)

Shake with ice, strain into a cocktail coupe, and garnish with an orange twist.


Though starting with the Ward 8, the end result was very different flavorwise, and the French ingredients work much better to me than the original.


In the wake of the Thirst Boston conference, I was thinking about the Ward 8 and the conversations I had that weekend about it. One of my major problems with the earliest recipe of the 1898 drink appearing in Robert Vermeire's 1922 Cocktails: How to Mix Them is that the orange juice clashed with the oaky American whiskey. I pondered what spirits might work well here, and my eyes drifted over to the Cognac section of my home bar. With a French theme, perhaps substituting Amer Picon for the orange juice might work especially given how well grenadine and Amer Picon pair in some of Trader Vic's recipes, plus the swap reminded me of Paul McGee's trading curaçao for orange juice. For a name, I dubbed this one the 8th Arrondissement which is the part of Paris that contains the Champs-Élysées.

Your original creation
Frederic Yarm, Boston, MA
Curator rating
5 stars
Average rating
4 stars
(18 ratings)
From other users
  • Up lemon juice
  • Maybe a bit too sweet, will dial back slightly the grenadine
  • Made with Boudreau, and homemade cherry grenadine. Grenadine dominated but happily. In Scofflaw territory. — ★★★★★
Similar cocktails
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  • Billionaire — Bourbon, Absinthe bitters, Lemon juice, Simple syrup, Grenadine, Lemon
  • The Smoked Rose — Blended Scotch, Aperol, Bitters, Lemon juice, Grenadine, Egg white
  • Twelve Mile Limit — Light rum, Brandy, Rye, Grenadine, Lemon juice, Lemon zest