Under the Peruvian Sun

1 1⁄2 oz Solbeso
1⁄2 oz Passion fruit liqueur (Chinola)
1⁄2 oz Bianco Vermouth, Comoz Blanc
1⁄4 oz Licor 43
3⁄8 oz Lime juice
1 ds Aztec Chocolate bitters

Shake ingredients with ice. Double strain into a chilled cocktail glass.


This combination brings out the subtle qualities I like about Solbeso: its very mild cacao and at the same time dry, somewhat woody stone-fruit brandy character. The single dash (8 drops) of Aztec bitters boosts the cacao. The small quantity of Licor 43 provides some vanilla to round out and augment the other flavors. The passion fruit in the Chinola provides a fruity note, and the Comoz provides depth without adding too much sweetness. (Comoz is a lovely, go-to vermouth for balancing sweetness between a blanc/bianco and dry French vermouth.)

The lime is there to brighten the drink, and prevent it from being too sweet. Adjust as needed for your palate, e.g. 1/2 oz if you find it too sweet, 1/4 oz if too tart/dry.


I was looking for something to showcase Solbeso's very mild cacao, but with some Peruvian fruit flavor. A modest combination of chocolate, passion fruit, and vanilla fit the bill with citrus to balance.

Your original creation
Shawn C., Fresno, California
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Similar cocktails
  • Santa Rosa — Blanco tequila, Peach liqueur, Aromatized wine, Lemon juice, Agave syrup
  • French Connection — Light rum, Bianco Vermouth, Luxardo Bitter, Overproof rum, Grapes, Lime juice, Cane syrup
  • Companion — Light rum, Dry vermouth, Lemon juice, Honey syrup, Pear puree, Black peppercorns
  • Pompadour — Rhum Agricole, Pineau des Charentes, Lemon juice
  • youre not ee cummings — Vodka, Cava, White Peach Shrub, Lemon juice, Orange flower water

Comoz Blanc has been added to KC's ingredient list. This semi-sweet vermouth is less sweet than standard blanc/bianco vermouth, and is useful when trying to find a balance between dry and blanc. It was the original "Vermouth chambery" specified in the El Presidente in 1915 Cuba.

Bee's Nest

1 1⁄2 oz Whiskey (Fighting 69th)
1 oz Pavan (Pavan Liqueur)
3⁄4 oz Dry sherry (Dry Sack)
3⁄4 oz Lime juice
3 ds Cherry Bitters

Shake with ice and strain into a frozen coupe glass.

Your original creation
Carl N.
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Similar cocktails
  • Lucky Fool — Brandy, Licor 43, Dry vermouth, Peychaud's Bitters, Citron liqueur, Lime juice
  • La Perique — Rye, Cherry Liqueur, Dry vermouth, Orange bitters, Lemon juice
  • La Plante de la Lune (Plant of the Moon) — Bourbon, Chardonnay, Bitters, Celery bitters, Sea Buckthorn liqueur, Lemon juice, Apricot jam
  • Jet Set — Apple brandy, Aquavit, Port, Lime juice, Apple syrup
  • Adios Amigos — Light rum, Dry vermouth, Gin, Cognac, Lime juice

The Moops


Stir, strain, up


Spring 2023 Menu

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Similar cocktails
  • Sunday Evening — Rye, Brandy, Amaro, Aromatized wine, Bitters, Amer Picon
  • Rhapsody in Blue — Rye, Bianco Vermouth, Amaro, Bitters, Blueberry
  • Purple Manhattan — Rye, Amaro, Aromatized wine, Orange peel, Maraschino cherry
  • Gallery Piece — Rye, Aromatized wine, Campari, Bitters
  • Tin Can Telephone — Apple brandy, Sweet vermouth, Salers Gentiane, Bénédictine, Orange bitters, Lemon peel

The heat of the Moroccan bitters and flavor notes of the Amaro Noveis are keys for this drink. Experiment with the vermouth and rye to tune for your tastes. Notes say 2023 menu. Where? It would be a positive to list the region, state, city (or whatever level is acceptable to the poster) and anything more about the creator if they wish to provide that.

bza commented on 4/24/2024:

Glad you like the drink! The menu reference is for me to remember, it's my home menu not an actual bar menu.


2 oz Gin
1⁄4 oz Ancho Reyes chile liqueur
1⁄4 oz Crème de Cacao, Tempus Fugit
1⁄2 oz Lemon juice
1 twst Lemon peel (as garnish)
1 sli Candied ginger (as garnish)

Reverse dry shake; serve up; garnish with 5 drops of tiki bitters, an expressed lemon twist, and a piece of candied ginger.


The nose is complex, with the pie spices of the bitters brightened by ginger, lemon oil, and juniper. Egg froth gives the sip a dairy creaminess in texture. Sip is bright sweet and sour, with the chocolate flavors coming up behind. The vanilla in the Tempus Fugit is brought out, combining with the citrus to add Creamsicle notes. The pepper liqueur is surprisingly subtle, quelled I suppose by the egg white, which in fact softens all of the flavors. To temper that softening effect, don’t use too much egg white—if mixing two drinks I’d probably suggest using the white of one egg for both. (The drink works quite well with leaving the egg white out entirely, but then it didn't qualify for the challenge!)


Made for the Reddit Original Cocktail Competition, April 2023: Gin & Egg. The required ingredients called to mind a White Lady, so my starting point was wondering what liqueurs might be subbed for the triple sec in that recipe. The odd flavor combo at the heart of the also-classic Twentieth Century cocktail—lemon and chocolate—occurred to me, followed by the inspiration that the chocolate component could be like Mexican chocolate, which often incorporates flavors like cinnamon, chiles, and ginger.
For the name, I asked myself what you might call a White Lady in Mexico.

Picture of Gringa
Craig Eliason
Your original creation
Craig Eliason, Saint Paul, Minnesota (USA)
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Similar cocktails
  • Before Midnight — Gin, Crème Yvette, Crème de Cacao, Lemon juice, Egg white
  • No Moon At All — Gin, Crème de Cacao, Crème de Violette, Chambord, Lemon juice, Egg white
  • Beach & Panorama — Gin, White chocolate liqueur, Herbal liqueur, Falernum, Bitters, Lime juice, Mint, Blueberry
  • Transatlantic — Gin, Crème de Cacao, Parfait Amour, Orange bitters, Lemon juice
  • Mr. Miller — Gin, Falernum, Bitters, Orgeat, Lime juice, Grapefruit juice

A to B

3⁄4 oz Gin
1⁄2 oz Aquavit
1⁄2 oz Curaçao
1⁄2 oz Thyme syrup
3⁄4 oz Lemon juice
1 spg Thyme (as garnish)
1 twst Lemon peel (as garnish)

Shake; strain; rocks; garnish.


For the thyme syrup, bring 1/4 cup each sugar and water to a simmer, take off heat and throw some sprigs of fresh thyme in. Strain after 15 minutes.


Riff on @drunklab's Atabey, which itself was a riff on the Attaboy.

Picture of A to B
Craig Eliason
Your original creation
Craig Eliason, Saint Paul, Minnesota (USA)
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Oaxaca by the Sea

1 oz Aquavit
1 oz Mezcal
3⁄4 oz Agave syrup
1 pn Salt
1 sli Lime (as optional garnish)
1 spg Dill (as optional garnish)

Shake all ingredients with ice, then strain into a rocks glass filled with ice. Garnish with a lime wheel or a sprig of fresh dill.

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From other users
  • The Aquavit and Mezcal work surprisingly well together. A bit similar to a Beachfire Margarita. I used straight Agave Nectar and have not tried with a dill sprig.
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Sparkle it Up

2 oz Bourbon
1⁄2 oz Maple syrup (Use Runamok Sparkle Syrup for the sparkle effect)
3⁄4 oz Amaro Meletti

Combine all ingredients with ice. Stir until chilled. Strain into coupe.


The sparkles in the Runamok Sparkle Syrup (made in VT) give this cocktail a special look.

Your original creation
Thomas Marrion
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Similar cocktails
  • Sneaky Bastard — Bourbon, Bonal Gentiane Quina, Amaro Meletti, Triple sec, Maple syrup, Orange peel
  • Earl Jam — Bourbon, Ramazzotti, Burnt sugar syrup, Orange
  • Left Hand — Bourbon, Sweet vermouth, Campari, Bitters, Maraschino cherry
  • The Chorus Boy — Bourbon, Amaro Meletti, Bitters, Cherry, Maraschino cherry syrup
  • Old Money — Bourbon, Aperol, Walnut Liqueur, Bitters, Allspice Dram, Orange peel


2 oz Gin
1 oz Lychee liqueur
1 oz Cream of coconut, Coco López

Combine all ingredients with ice, shake, open pour or strain over ice.


Originally a Gin Tradewinds riff, swapping out the Apricot for Lychee and adding Pineapple Juice for a more mellow end result.

Your original creation
Tyler M - Realm of Monsters
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Similar cocktails
  • Raffles Singapore Sling — Gin, Cherry Liqueur, Triple sec, Bénédictine, Bitters, Pineapple juice, Lime juice, Grenadine, Pineapple, Maraschino cherry
  • Honeymoon Killer — Gin, Cynar, Elderflower liqueur, Peychaud's Bitters, Pineapple juice, Lime juice, Sage

Mud Puddle

1 1⁄2 oz Whiskey (Fighting 69th)
3⁄4 oz Suze
3⁄4 oz Framboise, Mathilde
1⁄2 oz Fernet (Throw Back)

Shake with ice and strain into a frozen coupe glass.


Heavy rain in SoCal makes for big mud puddles.

Your original creation
Carl N.
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Similar cocktails
  • The Bellman — Rye, Sweet vermouth, Gran Classico, Bitters, Bigallet China-China, Orange peel
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  • Boulevard des Rêves — Bourbon, Sweet vermouth, Campari, Rum
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  • Novecento — Cognac, Sweet vermouth, Campari, Maraschino Liqueur, Bitters, Peychaud's Bitters, Lemon juice, Lemon peel

Pine Top

1 1⁄2 oz Gin, Tanqueray Malacca
3⁄4 oz Warm spice liqueur, Sukkah Hill Besamim
1⁄2 oz Fernet (Throw Back)
1⁄2 oz Pineapple juice
2 ds Aztec Chocolate bitters

Shake with ice and strain into a frozen coupe glass.

Your original creation
Carl N.
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Similar cocktails
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  • Penalty Payment — Gin, Falernum, Orange bitters, Warm spice liqueur
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