
1 1⁄2 oz Light rum
1⁄2 oz Orange liqueur, Paula's Texas Orange
1⁄2 oz Cassis
1⁄2 oz Lime juice

Shake, strain, straight up or on the rocks


A cocktail contest entry by Kent Wang. A riff on the El Diablo

Your original creation
Kent Wang
Source reference

Cocktail database document sent to Dan by Kent

Curator rating
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Average rating
3.5 stars
(7 ratings)
Similar cocktails
Dan commented on 9/27/2011:

Moderated to supply missing Cassis quantity and provide history. I referred back to a cocktail database document sent to me by Kent, which I bulk imported.

Arrack Punch

1 1⁄2 oz Batavia Arrack
1 oz Dark rum
1⁄2 oz Lime juice
1⁄2 oz Simple syrup
1 pn Nutmeg (of)
Curator rating
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Average rating
3 stars
(2 ratings)
Similar cocktails
  • Lazy Old Sun — Batavia Arrack, Demerara Rum, Allspice Dram, Bitters, Apricot liqueur, Lime juice, Grade B maple syrup
  • Javanese Daiquiri — Batavia Arrack, Trinidad rum, Lime cordial, Curry, Lime
  • Shining Path — Batavia Arrack, Apricot liqueur, Licor 43, Dark rum, Bitters, Lemon juice
  • The Defend Arrack — Batavia Arrack, Apricot liqueur, Allspice Dram, Lime juice, Orange peel
  • Arrack Sour — Batavia Arrack, Maraschino Liqueur, Peychaud's Bitters, Lemon juice, Simple syrup, Egg white, Lemon peel

Beaver, The

1 oz Gin
1⁄2 oz Lemon juice

Shake, strain, up.

Curator rating
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Average rating
3 stars
(6 ratings)
Similar cocktails
  • Ume Klug — Gin, Junmai Sake, Simple syrup, Lemon juice, Plum
  • Forbidden Fruit #2 — Gin, Dry white wine, Elderflower liqueur, Lime juice, Agave syrup
  • BomBrambulation — Gin, Dry sherry, Dry sake, Blue Curaçao, Pomegranate Liqueur, Grapefruit juice
  • Tanglin Club — Gin, Dry vermouth, Bitters, Passion fruit syrup, Lime juice, Orange peel
  • Stone Fruit Sour — Gin, Apricot liqueur, Aromatized wine, Bitters, Lemon juice

Don's Little Bitter

1 oz Rum, Barbancourt (8 yr)
1⁄2 oz Fernet Branca
1⁄2 oz Lemon juice
1⁄2 oz Simple syrup
1⁄4 oz Bitters, Angostura

Shake with ice and double strain into a coupe glass.

Authentic recipe
Don Lee, PDT, New York, NY
Curator rating
4 stars
Average rating
4 stars
(20 ratings)
From other users
  • Subbed agave for the simple syrup and used a quarter of the amount - not enough as it turned out. — ★★★★
  • This is one smooth cocktail. Made with Appleton 12 and dark simple.
  • Augie had at Drink June 2016
  • Nice cocktail; I will make again. Reminds me in some ways of an industry sour.
  • Cut back the Angostura a bit, and served this down (chilled glass, no rocks) as the link suggests as an option. The medicinal aspects of the fernet are strong. Interesting. — ★★★★★
  • Really nice. Strong Angostura. Surprisingly, it needed the simple. Made again with Barbancourt; better with Clement VSOP. — ★★★★★
Similar cocktails
  • The Count of Kingston — Jamaican rum, Fernet Branca, Orange liqueur, Bitters, Lime juice, Simple syrup, Salt
  • Color in Your Cheeks — Fernet Branca, Applejack, Lemon juice, Grade A amber color and rich taste maple syrup, Egg white, Apple
  • Onyx — Virgin Islands Rum, Amer Picon, Balsamic Vinegar, Cherry syrup
  • French Amérique Sour — Pineapple rum, Rhum Agricole, Bitters, Bigallet China-China, Orgeat, Lime juice, Pineapple, Orchid
  • Trinidad Special — Bitters, Añejo rum, Falernum, Lime juice, Simple syrup

Made this tonight for Repeal Day, and I'm wondering where it's been all my life. I subbed St. James Hors d'Age for the Barbancourt. Weirdly enough, the Ango Orange drives this cocktail - it's got a strong bitter orange peel/vitamin aroma and flavor, but considering all the bitter in this, it is only mildly so. This is really delicious stuff. 



Dan commented on 2/22/2012:

Finally got around to trying this. Excellent, although I think it can use more rum. I used 2 oz, unless I measured wrong (which is possible).

Dan commented on 4/21/2013:

Made again. Don't use more rum, at least not more Barbancourt. It results in a flatter cocktail. Consider less Angostura and more of the other bitters as it dominates.

jaba commented on 3/20/2014:

This is amazing. It's complex yet refreshing. I used Fee Bros Orange instead of the Angostura orange. Not sure how different they are. Also, per Dan's recommendation, I used a teaspoon each of the 3 bitters.

A great after dinner cocktail. All the bitters, including Fernet, are great for digestion and overall is very balanced. I thought about adding more Barbancourt 8 rum, and sweetener after I tasted what was in the shaker tin before adding ice. But before I crossed the Rubicon and shook it up with ice I decided to try the cocktail as created, and am enjoying each slightly bittersweet sip as I type. Next time I'll alter the three bitters' ratios as Dan suggested, going with one tsp each.

Grumpy Brit #1

1 oz Gin
1 oz Campari
1⁄2 oz Lemon juice

Shake, strain, rocks, lowball.


I created the Pimm's Addiction, which I merged into this cocktail as they were essentially the same.

Your original creation
Dan Chadwick, Kindred Cocktails
Curator rating
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Average rating
4 stars
(18 ratings)
From other users
  • Pretty good. Nice use of Pimm's. I think it could use a little tinkering, but I'd definitely drink this again.
  • Reduce Campari/Luxardo Bitters to 0.75 oz.
  • Nice, bitter, sour, just sweet enough.
Similar cocktails
  • Negroni Crusta — Gin, Sweet vermouth, Campari, Curaçao, Maraschino Liqueur, Bitters, Lemon juice, Lemon peel, Sugar
  • Mizz Mazza — Campari, Eau de vie of Douglas Fir, Gin, Ginger liqueur, Lemon juice
  • A Study in Pink — Gin, Campari, Apricot liqueur, Orange bitters, Lime juice, Orange peel
  • Apropos — Gin, Aperol, Herbal liqueur, Lime juice, Orange peel
  • Nervous Breakdown — Gin, Grapefruit liqueur, Amaro, Grapefruit bitters, Lime juice

Agree with the too-heavy Campari thought. This drink should deliver the pimms which it does not- too citrusy.

Grumpy Brit #2


Shake, strain, rocks, lowball.


Delicious; quick drinking; fairly low alcohol (for better or worse).


Created for mixoloseum.com's Thursday Drink Night, and published in Mutineer Magazine

Grumpy Brit #2
©2010 Kindred Cocktails
Your original creation
Dan Chadwick, Kindred Cocktails
Source reference

Mutineer Magazine, July/August 2011, p42

Curator rating
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Average rating
4 stars
(13 ratings)
From other users
  • Good use of Pimm's
  • Easy
Similar cocktails
  • Valou — Grappa, Aperol, Campari, Curaçao, Orange bitters, Orange juice, Lemon juice
  • 4x1 — Tequila, Aperol, Sweet vermouth, Grapefruit juice
  • Shiver — Campari, Eau de vie of Douglas Fir, Grapefruit juice, Orange
  • Paradise City — Cachaça, Amaro Montenegro, Kumquat, Basil
  • Canela Punch — Reposado Tequila, Aperol, Bitters, Orange juice, Lime juice, Lime, Cinnamon stick

The Riviera

2 oz Gin (with Campari & Marschino, infused with pineapple)
3⁄4 oz Lemon juice
3⁄4 oz Simple syrup
1 lf Mint (as garnish)
1 ds Orange bitters (as garnish)

Dry shake 30 seconds, shake with ice, strain, straight up, coupe, garnish with mint and drops of orange bitters.


Pineapple infused gin: 4c gin : 1c Campari : 2c Maraschino, 1 pineapple. Cut into speakrs. Infuse 1-2 days. Divide recipe in half for a more manageable quantity. If too sweet, reduce or omit the simple syrup. Flip the Campari and Maraschino quantities for a great bitter variation.

Pineapple infused gin, Campari, and Maraschino liqueur. Don't worry -- jar was well washed.
Authentic recipe
Toby Maloney, Violet Hour, Chicago, IL
Curator rating
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Average rating
5 stars
(3 ratings)
From other users
  • I flip ratio of Campari and Maraschino (more Campari than Maraschino), omit the simple and egg white, and use 2-1/2 oz infused gin mixture for a fast, simple drink. — ★★★★★
Similar cocktails
  • Blood Sage — Gin, Lime juice, Simple syrup, Egg white, Blood orange, Sage
  • Gin Sour — Gin, Bitters, Simple syrup, Lime juice, Egg white
  • Lord Byron — Gin, Mastika, Lime juice, Mint
  • Christmas Apricot — Gin, Absinthe, Simple syrup, Lime juice, Rhubarb, Mint
  • Black Bowtie Gimlet — Gin, Bitters, Lime juice, Simple syrup, Squid ink, Salt Solution
Dan commented on 6/02/2011:

Fresh pineapple on hand. Time for another batch of pineapple-infused Gin + Campari + Maraschino. I just recently discovered that the authentic recipe uses simple syrup and an egg white. This sounds too sweet to me, as I usually omit both and use 2-1/2 oz of the mixture. I also swap the Maraschino and Campari for a more bitter drink.

Drinking this now, with flipped Campari & Maraschino ratios, as suggested by Dan, and without the eggwhite. This smells nice due to the mint and orange bitters, and is pleasant enough, but I think it's a bit sweet, and not quite bitter enough to effect compexity in the drink. A pleasant harmony does arise from the pineapple, Campari and Maraschino, but I'd drop the simple to 1/2 oz or even 1/4, and I might either up the Campari in the drink (not the mix) or add more mint and muddle it first.

So here's the way I figure it. The infusion has a bit more than 1/2 oz of Maraschino in the 2 oz used, and coupled with 3/4 oz of simple, it's really sweet. If you count Maraschino effective as sweet as simple, 1/4 oz simple with the infusion gives you an equal parts sour. 

Dan commented on 6/21/2011:

Updated notes to suggest reducing or omitting the simple and the suggestion to flip the Campari and Maraschino. This is one of those "interesting" recipes where the modified inauthentic recipe is probably better than the original for most peoples' taste.

Alrighty.... round 2: Dropped the simple out completely, used the egg white. This is much less sweet, but also not as textured. This is decent enough, but it's missing something. The mint does nothing as a garnish, as the egg white foam mutes most of the aroma of the cocktail. Frustrating.

For anyone who has tried this- is there really a benefit to adding the campari and maraschino to the gin when you start the pineapple infusion? I'd like to try this, but my concern is that if the spirit balance doesn't end up where I'd want it, it will be hard to adjust. I'm leaning towards just doing a pineapple-infused gin (or white rum) and adding the campari and maraschino to individual cocktails, unless the 4 ingredients infusing together really makes a difference. I'm thinking 4:2:1 gin:campari:maraschino if I do them all together, but I'm worried that still might be too much maraschino.

Dan commented on 6/03/2012:

My guess is that pineapple-infused gin would work. I have made it with pineapple juice (fresh), but it wasn't the same -- still good, though. I do recommend swapping the ratios of the Campari and Maraschino, at least if you like Campari (which I think you do). I also don't bother with the egg white. It could be that with an egg white, you might need the simple syrup. I've found the egg white + acid = puckery astringent alum-like flavor, which sugar cures.

I started my gin, without the Campari and Maraschino. I'm trying a batch of pineapple-infused white rum as well. The swapped Campari and Maraschino ratio sounds much more appealing, so I'll definitely start there, thanks.

I made my pineapple infused gin and used 1 oz of it, .5 campari, .25 maraschino, .75 lemon, and no simple, and it was really good. I'll probably bump the campari up and the lemon down next time, but I like the way the pineapple, campari, and maraschino melded together without any one of them taking over. I think this would make a great drink for a summer party; I can see the flavors appealing to most people, but it is still different enough to be interesting.

I also tried this with a pineapple-kiwi shrub in place of lemon juice, and still no simple or egg white (made the shrub using Neyah White's cold process as described here with equal parts fruit, sugar, and vinegar http://www.seriouseats.com/recipes/2011/06/cold-processed-berry-shrub-r…), keeping the 4:2:1 gin:campari:maraschino ratio, with 2 oz of that to 0.5 oz of the shrub. I like this version much better than the lemon juice version, which is also very good. I started the shrub at the same time as the gin infusion, since I had a whole pineapple and too many kiwis laying around, so if you are going to plan ahead to infuse the gin, you might consider starting a shrub too, and see what you think.


1 1⁄2 oz Dark rum
1⁄2 oz Apricot liqueur
1⁄2 oz Lime juice
1 twst Lime peel

Shake, strain, straight up, cocktail glass, garnish


Some recipes call for 1/4 each triple sec and apricot liqueur, plus some sugar. Some recommend 3/4 of each (without extra sugar)

Curator rating
4 stars
Average rating
3.5 stars
(13 ratings)
From other users
  • 3.5 a little sweet
  • Used peach schnapps. Too sweet.
  • Made with R&W Orchard Apricot and this may be my favorite use of it to date. — ★★★★★
  • Excellent with Coruba.
  • Disappointing made with Smith and Cross. Added 1/4 oz more Cointreau and 1/2 oz Green Chartreuse and still only OK. Try again with a simpler rum, and as written above. — ★★★
Similar cocktails
  • Shabash — Dark rum, Apricot liqueur, Lemon bitters, Lime juice
  • Anne Bonny's Last Call — Light rum, Orange liqueur, Coconut liqueur, Lime juice, Pineapple syrup, Pineapple, Basil, Lime
  • Jules Verne — Reposado Tequila, VeeV Açaí Spirit, Elderflower liqueur, Lime juice, Agave syrup
  • Nui Nui — Virgin Islands Rum, Allspice Dram, Bitters, Lime juice, Orange juice, Cinnamon syrup, Vanilla syrup, Orange peel
  • Santiago — Cuban rum, Maraschino Liqueur, Bitters, Herbal liqueur, Lime juice, Simple syrup
Dan commented on 1/22/2011:

Recipe revised from 1/4 oz to 1/2 oz each of triple sec and apricot liqueur.

Very nice recipe - I used Appleton Extra for the dark rum with 3/4 oz Giffard Abricot (which is amazing, BTW!) and 1/2 oz. Clement Creole Shrubb for the triple sec - close to perfection; I have never been a big fan of the Periodista - until now!

Elder Monk

1⁄2 oz Gin
1⁄2 oz Bénédictine
1⁄2 oz Herbal liqueur, Green Chartreuse
1 twst Lemon peel (as garnish)

Shake, strain, rocks, low-ball


I believe I created this. If I'm in error, please let me know.

Your original creation
Dan Chadwick, Kindred Cocktrails
Curator rating
Not yet rated
Average rating
4 stars
(36 ratings)
From other users
  • Enjoyed with 0.5 oz lemon
  • Good drink. Could use either one of the ingredients infused with jalapeno or maybe the egg white would be enhanced. Also could try up. Nice riff on the Last Word. 2nd time tried w/ jal. and egg white. 5* — ★★★★★
  • To sweet for me, but love the flavors
  • Increase all volumes to 1 oz, next do all 3/4 but benedictine & lemon juice 1/2
  • Less lemon and light on the Chartreuse. May be nice shaken with egg white
  • As per another member's suggestion, I cut back the lemon juice (All the way to 1/2oz) It made an excellent drink, but might try edging it up to 3/4 oz next time.
  • Herbal and slightly bitter. — ★★★★★
Similar cocktails

I really love this herbal, floral creation, thank you! I tried it with Yellow Chartreuse before I had Benedictine, which was also great. This is on my short list of absolute favorites.

AmyJ commented on 1/25/2014:

Tastes like summer. I agree with comments of less lemon and easy on the Chartreuse. Will try shaken with egg white next time.