Black Manhattan

2 oz Rye (original was bourbon)
1 oz Averna
1 Maraschino cherry (as garnish)

Stir, strain, straight up, cocktail glass, garnish.


Original 2005 recipe through ~early 2008 was bourbon, Averna, and homemade cherry-coffee bitters. Later in 2008 the drink changed to its present form.


Todd Smith originally created this cocktail at the Cortez restaurant's bar in San Francisco in 2005 using bourbon rather than rye. He brought the drink with him as bar director of Bourbon & Branch which opened in 2006.… In 2007 Gaz Regan stated that the Bourbon & Branch version used bourbon, Averna, and "a couple of dashes of Todd Smith's homemade cherry-coffee bitters."…

Smith left Bourbon & Branch in early 2008, and they eventually ran out of his bitters.…

Based on the 2008 Washington Post article recipe, the drink had evolved to its present widely known form a few months later: rye, Averna, a dash of Angostura Aromatic bitters, plus a dash of orange bitters.

Authentic recipe
Todd Smith, Cortez, San Francisco, CA, later at Bourbon & Branch.
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4 stars
(69 ratings)
From other users
  • More full bodied than regular Manhattan and a bit sweeter. Used Rittenhouse, Averna and black walnut bitters.
  • Went with heavy cardamom bitters.
  • Black walnut bitters work well here. — ★★★★
  • 1 dash orange bitters Try 1 dash of Cardamom bitters Brandied cherry
  • Though you'd think the stronger flavors of Averna would dominate, I find this drink tends to feature the character of the rye.
  • Made with Averna, Angostura, and cardamom bitters. Much drier than a normal Manhattan, quite good
  • Buffalo Trace, regular Angostura. Excellent
  • Pretty good. Nice flavors, but borderline too sweet. Might be better with less Averna or some lemon to balance it.
Similar cocktails
Dan commented on 1/19/2012:

The "Manhattan (Bitter)" created by Chris Amirault of is essentially the same as this (more authoritative) cocktail by Phil Ward. Chris's version used two dashes of Angostura Orange bitters in lieu of the regular Angostura bitters, and an orange twist.

Maxi commented on 9/26/2013:

A variation that sat nicely with me:

2.25 oz Maker's
.75 oz Cynar
Stir & strain.
Add the following to finish:
2 ds Angostura Orange Bitters
3 ds Peychaud's

I found that adding a couple of dashes of Scrappy's Cardamom Bitters (as well as Angostura) further enhanced the complexity of this drink

I've been making my version of this with the bittermens xocolatl mole bitters - the little bit of chocolate plays to the strengths of this sweeter Manhattan.

I used Jim Beam Black, because of its smoothness and full taste from being aged 8 years. I concur cardamom bitters is a nice touch. So might be black walnut bitters or Fee Bros. Whiskey Barrel-Aged Bitters. Regardless, I prefer  an orange twist as opposed to orange bitters.I rate this change as 4 stars.

Good, but needs something else - the orange additions might be the way to go.

Curated to add the dash of Regans orange bitters, which appear to be original rather than a variant. Worth noting that while the Washington Post acknowledged bourbon as the original spirit, its preference for rye seems to reach consensus among sources like Imbibe, Punch,, Wine Enthusiast, Difford's, etc.

I have curated to fill out more of the history (with links) and used a Wayback Machine link for the 2008 Washington Post article/recipe. I set the current recipe to the 2008 version that has become the norm, while adding information on the original 2005 recipe in the notes & history.

Hong Kong Cocktail


Shake, strain into a coupe, up.


The original recipe is 5 parts gin, 1 part dry vermouth, 1 spoon sugar syrup, 1 spoon lime juice and 1 dash bitters.

Altered recipe
Source reference , The ABCs of Cocktails, Peter Pauper Press, 1953, pg. 30

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4.5 stars
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Similar cocktails
  • The Sure Thing — Gin, Aromatized wine, Bianco Vermouth, Lemon juice, Honey syrup
  • Girl From Cadiz — Gin, Fino sherry, Lemon juice, Simple syrup, Juniper berry, Mint
  • Tanglin Club — Gin, Dry vermouth, Bitters, Passion fruit syrup, Lime juice, Orange peel
  • BomBrambulation — Gin, Dry sherry, Dry sake, Blue Curaçao, Pomegranate Liqueur, Grapefruit juice
  • Beaver, The — Gin, Apricot liqueur, Dry vermouth, Lemon juice

Bronx Cocktail with Bitters (Income Tax)

3⁄4 oz Orange juice
3⁄4 oz Dry vermouth
3⁄4 oz Sweet vermouth
1 1⁄2 oz Gin
2 ds Bitters, Angostura (for income tax)

Also look up Income Tax (or Bronx with Bitters), or use Punt e Mes. or use Carpano Antica
Orange Twist, Shake, Straight Up, Cocktail

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2.5 stars
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From other users
  • Twist on Bronx
  • Definitely do it with Punt e Mes.
  • Valencia oranges in season preferred, cara cara or other good type out of season. Hess suggests less vermouth.
Similar cocktails
  • Studebaker — Gin, Sweet vermouth, Cappelletti Aperitivo, Orange Curaçao, Lemon peel
  • Quit That Racquet — Gin, Curaçao, Dry vermouth, Orange bitters, Lemon peel
  • Lucien Gaudin Cocktail — Gin, Triple sec, Campari, Dry vermouth, Orange peel
  • Gender Diverse — Gin, Strega, Contratto Aperitif, Dry vermouth, Peychaud's Bitters, Orange juice
  • Edgewood — Gin, Sweet vermouth, Aromatized wine, Grapefruit juice

Gasper Cocktail

1 oz Gin
1 oz Absinthe
1⁄3 t Simple syrup (if desired)

Stir for a long time or serve on rock for more dillution


Adjust sugar, if any, to taste. Original recipe is vague. Some may prefer more gin for a more balanced juniper/anise balance.

Authentic recipe
Savoy Cocktail book
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  • We made it 2:1, gin to absinthe.
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No similar cocktails found.

The proportion seems a bit off on this one. 1:1 led to tasting only absinthe. I tried 2:1 gin to absinthe and was able to taste some of the gin.

2 to 2

1 1⁄2 oz Aperol
1⁄4 oz Simple syrup
1 twst Orange peel (flamed, as garnish)

Shake, strain, straight up, cocktail glass, garnish


Surprisingly accessible. Not particularly bitter. Anise flavor is more subdued than you would expect.


"Another reference to Mr. Jean Lanfray, as he was said to have been drunk from 2pm to 2am daily."

2 to 2
©2010 Kindred Cocktails
Stephan Cole, The Violet Hour, Chicago, IL
Source reference

Beta Cocktails,

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3.5 stars
(11 ratings)
From other users
  • My version: 2 aperol 0.25 absinthe - it's very subtle this way... maybe try 0.5 0.75 lemon juice 0.25 simple syrup 1 ds orange bitters It's too anisei without feeling any aperol otherwise.
  • 3/2010: Alice & Stefan — ★★★★★
Similar cocktails
  • Ragnarök — Jägermeister, Aquavit, Aperol, Lemon juice
  • Corpse Reminder #1 — Campari, Ginger liqueur, Triple sec, Peychaud's Bitters, Lemon juice, Lemon peel
  • Jägerita — Jägermeister, Triple sec, Lime juice, Rich simple syrup 2:1
  • Vallet Service — Fernet Vallet, Amargo-Vallet, Cinnamon syrup, Lime

Had to try this for the contradictory flavors (all of which are personal favorites), but was highly disappointed. This is more of a combination of ingredients rather than a balanced cocktail. Barely drinkable IMHO.


1 1⁄2 oz Campari
1 1⁄2 oz Mirto
1 1⁄2 oz Grapefruit juice

Shaken, strain, low ball, rocks.

Your original creation
Dan Chadwick, Kindred Cocktails
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4.5 stars
(4 ratings)
From other users
  • Too delicious, low alcohol, quick drinking, Could consider muddling a sprig of rosemary, too. — ★★★★★
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This sounds interesting. Have not seen Mirto over here so might take some online investigation. Also no directions but I'm assuming shaken over rocks given the amounts, correct?

Dan commented on 3/03/2012:

Thanks for pointing out the lack of directions. I fixed that. Tremontis is the brand of mirto that I can get here in Boston.

AmyJ commented on 7/27/2013:

I haven't heard if Mirto. What does it taste like? Could I use Cynar instead?


Mirto is a Sardinian liqueur based on myrtle berries. It's sort of bitter-sour and resinous, and in a pinch, I'd try 1/2 black currant liqueur, 1/4 gin, and 1/4 dry red wine to get close.



AmyJ commented on 7/28/2013:

Sounds good. I'll try that, thanks!


1 oz Scotch (pref cask strength)
1 twst Lemon peel (expressed and discarded)

Stir, strain, straight up, cocktail glass, express lemon peel and discard


A cask-strength scotch will give good alcohol balance. Essentially a Perfect Rob Roy with an inverted ratio (more vermouth than scotch).

Authentic recipe
Savoy Cocktail Book
Curator rating
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3 stars
(10 ratings)
From other users
  • 11/9/13
  • An easy-going Rob Roy. Nice with a single malt (Balvenie Doublewood) and Punt e Mes. Even more interesting using half Islay (Bowmore Legend). I think all Islay would be too much, but half Laphroaig Quarter Cask would be worth — ★★★
Similar cocktails

Imbibe suggests subbing Byrrh for the sweet vermouth and bitters, and adding a cherry to the garnish.

Artist's Special Cocktail

1 oz Rye (or Bourbon)
1 oz Sherry
1⁄2 oz Lemon juice
1⁄2 oz Redcurrant syrup

Shake, Straight Up, Cocktail


Made with both Jim Beam Bourbon and Russell 6 Rye. Both really excellent. Be careful with Lemon if using Fino -- was a bit dry with Rye.


Original recipe is 1/3 Whisky, 1/3 Sherry, 1/6 Lemon juice, 1/6 Groseille syrup (redcurrant)

Artists' Club, Rue Pigalle, Paris quoted in the Savoy Cocktail Book
Source reference

pg 24 - The Savoy Cocktail Book

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Curated - reverted recipe to original Savoy ingredients (including vagueness on the part of the Sherry, and Groseille syrup instead of Creme de Cassis). Improved attribution as per the Savoy book.

Red Danube


Expressed Orange Peel (lots), Stir, Straight Up, Cocktail


Not sure if it was supposed to be Zwack Unicum or Zwack Liqueur, but it was very sweet. Lime added.

Altered recipe
Toby Maloney, Alchemist on eGullet
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4 stars
(10 ratings)
From other users
  • Half vermouth, double Campari--excellent drink! — ★★★★
  • Good balance of bitter and sweet.
  • Somehow there's a medicinal-mint taste in here so that I'd guess there is Fernet Branca involved. Tasty for those who are down with that kind of flavor. — ★★★★
  • Didn't have Punt e Mes, so I doubled the Campari, halved the sweet vermuth and 50% more lime. Very, very good. Cherry garnish. — ★★★★★
Similar cocktails
  • Potomac — Kirschwasser, Zwack liqueur, Campari, Lemon bitters, Lemon juice
  • For whom the sun rises — Amaro Sibilla, Maraschino Liqueur, Grapefruit juice, Lime juice, Simple syrup, Salt, Grapefruit peel
  • Italian Toolbag — Strega, Aperol, Amaro Montenegro
  • Ramazzotti's Tuscan Breeze — Ramazzotti, Gin, Grapefruit juice, Rosemary syrup, Rosemary
  • Madhattan — Rye, Zwack liqueur, Amaro Lucano, Lemon peel

<br />This is my first cocktail using Zwack liqueur, and I must say it made a favorable first impression. Unlike an earlier comment, I could not discern a mint taste. The Campari, however, made its presence known, but only mildly so. As for this drink I personally rate it 4.5. An exceptionally good drink--either before or after dinner--but I favor before.


3⁄4 oz Gin
3⁄4 oz Sherry (probably dry)
3⁄4 oz Dry vermouth
3⁄4 oz Sweet vermouth
1 ds Orgeat (~1/3 tsp)
1 ds Orange bitters (or 2d)
1 twst Orange peel (as garnish)

Stir, strain, straight up cocktail, garnish


Erik Flannestad used Fee + Regans' Bitters, Juniperio, Bodega Dios Baco Fino, Dolin dry, and Carpano Antica Formula, and highly recommends it. The Original recipe is specified in parts; the above makes a normal 3-oz cocktail.

Authentic recipe
H.C. Harrison, American Bars,Gordon Hotels, England
Source reference
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4 stars
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From other users
  • Slightly odd sherry/almond/orange combo. Non-purists might consider almond syrup instead of orgeat to maintain the clarity. — ★★★★
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