Pamalagro Crusta

1⁄2 oz Lime juice
1 bsp Allspice Dram, St Elizabeth
1 twst Pomegranate peel (extra long, *garnish)
1 ? Sugar (super-fine, *garnish)

Shake, double strain into a chilled, crusta'd coupette (rimmed w/ lime juice and coated w/ super-fine sugar), and garnish with an extra long pomegranate peel


Pama "Are You Indispensable" Competition Cocktail


I didn't want a sweetening component in the cocktail to tame the wonderful sweet-tart character of Pama, so inspiration struck in the form of the crusta which allows the imbiber to adjust the level of sweetness sip to sip. In place of the traditional brandy and lemon I chose tequila and lime backed by the island spice of allspice dram

Pamalagro Crusta
©Jason Westpate 11/17/14
Your original creation
Jason Westplate
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  • Tequila- sweet, sour
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Cynar Cola

1 1⁄2 oz Cynar
3 oz Cola
1 wdg Lemon

Pour Cynar into an ice-filled collins or double rocks glass, stir, add Cola, stir lightly. Rub lemon wedge around the rim of the glass, squeeze and drop into the glass.

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2 oz Singani, Singani 63
3⁄4 oz Lemon juice
1⁄2 oz Orgeat
1⁄4 oz Floc de Gascogne, Laubade
1⁄2 oz Egg white

Dry shake, shake, strain into a fizz glass, top slowly with soda, serve with straw.

Your original creation
Rafa García Febles, NYC.
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Similar cocktails
  • Fish House Punch (Death & Co) — Cognac, Rum, Peach liqueur, Club soda, Lemon juice, Sugar, Peach
  • Lights Out Punch — Reposado Tequila, Sweet vermouth, Bitters, Soda water, Apple juice, Lemon juice, Demerara syrup, Tea
  • Williams Fizz — Pear eau de vie, Apple brandy, Club soda, Lemon juice, Simple syrup, Egg white
  • Flanders' Planter's Punch — Light rum, Bourbon, Cassis, Club soda, Simple syrup, Lemon juice, Lime juice
  • Sabor de Soledad — Reposado Tequila, Pear eau de vie, Herbal liqueur, Soda water, Lime juice, Cinnamon syrup, Ginger syrup

Improved Whiskey Coke

1 1⁄2 oz Rye, Rittenhouse 100
3⁄4 oz Cynar
1⁄2 oz Lime juice
2 oz Cola, Coca Cola

Shake ingredients (except Cola) and double-strain over fresh ice. Top with 2 oz high quality Cola and garnish with a lime wheel.

Joseph Tkach
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2.5 stars
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Similar cocktails
  • Youthful Expression — Bourbon, Gin, Ramazzotti, Bitters, Seltzer water
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  • The Teddy — Bourbon, Crème de Noyaux, Bitters, Orange bitters, Bitter lemon soda, Sugar
  • The Diplomat (Unicum) — Zwack Unicum Plum, Rye, Club soda, Simple syrup, Lemon juice, Mint
  • Kiawah — Rye, Aperol, Bitters, Bitter lemon soda, Cherry

Paper Mill


Stir with ice and strain into a cocktail glass. Twist lemon peel over the top and discard.

Authentic recipe
Rick Messier
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4 stars
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Moderated this slightly - specified Cynar as the Amaro, specified brand of lemon bitters.



Klaus Kinski

3⁄4 oz Rye, Rittenhouse 100
3⁄4 oz Amaro Nardini
3⁄4 oz Campari
1 twst Orange peel (as garnish)

Stir, strain, rock, twist.

Your original creation
Rafa García Febles, NYC.
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This drink, Klaus Kinski, as is, I rated as 3.5. The ingredients blend together OK, but the overall taste is somewhat flat and definitely "heavy." It needs a contrasting flavor, so I added two dashes of blood orange bitters, but the other ingredients overwhelmed the flavor of the bitters. I decided, then, that what is needed is a zest from a citrus fruit, I added grapefruit zest, and it was helpful. Next time, I'm going to try orange or lemon (maybe Meyer Lemon zest). If anyone else comes up with a better solution, be sure to write a comment, I'd like to hear from others who have "fiddled" with this cocktail. Thanks.

@MOJOjojo I believe I made this with an orange twist. I'll add it to the drink recipe.

Clear, but intense reddish-orange color. Rated highly by all three of us. Provides a good balance of the herbal, bitter, mild rum hogo, and rye.


1⁄2 oz Apple brandy
1⁄2 oz Water

Stir and serve cold, or heat and serve hot.


If lacking Barolo Chinato, you can fake it with Cocchi Vermouth and a couple of shakes of Bitter Truth aromatic bitters.

Your original creation
Rafa García Febles, NYC.
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Similar cocktails
  • "Figure 8" — Dry vermouth, Bianco Vermouth, Dry apricot brandy, Blanco tequila, Orange bitters, Orange flower syrup, Orange peel
  • Zebra Cocktail — Dry vermouth, Bianco Vermouth, Dry apricot brandy, Blanco tequila, Orange bitters, Orange flower syrup, Orange peel
  • Adelita — Reposado Tequila, Aromatized wine, Dry vermouth, Crème de Violette, Lemon peel
  • Florist — Singani, Fino sherry, Aromatized wine, Dry white wine, Orange bitters, Orange peel, Grapefruit peel
  • Pinky Ring — Pineau des Charentes, Dry vermouth, Herbal liqueur, Orange bitters

Fear & Whiskey

2 oz Rye
1 oz Braulio

Stir, strain, one big rock.

Your original creation
Rafa García Febles, NYC.
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4 stars
(9 ratings)
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  • Luther Manhattan
Similar cocktails
  • Saw Tooth (Featherweight) — Bourbon, Braulio, Orange bitters, Brown sugar, Lemon peel, Orange peel
  • Across The River — Bourbon, Gran Classico, Bonal Gentiane Quina, Bitters
  • Montreux — Bourbon, Amaro, Orange bitters
  • Fear Itself — Rye, Braulio, Genepy
  • Nebulon B — Whiskey, Amaro Nardini, Ginger liqueur, Cherry Bark Vanilla Bitters, Lemon peel

There's nothing to fear with this drink. The "Fear & Whiskey" (if you use the right rye) is absolutely delightful. I used a rye light in taste, but with wonderful overtones--10 year Whistle Pig. I was afraid that using a rye like Rittenhouse (which I frequently use in drinks calling for rye) would overwhelm the Braulio. The Whistle Pig did not; both came through, loud and clear.

The "Fear & Whiskey" is a wonderful before-dinner drink; some might even say after-dinner also. Regardless, I rated this libation at 4.5.

But make sure you use Whistle Pig or Crown Royal Northern Harvest Rye (or any other rye that is light in its taste and overtones); doing otherwise MAY result is a less satisfying drink.

Human Sacrifice

1 oz Nicaraguan Rum, Flor de Caña Extra Dry
1⁄2 oz Lime juice
1⁄2 oz Vanilla syrup
1⁄2 oz Simple syrup (scant)
1 t Ginger syrup (very spicy)
1 ds Bitters, Angostura (+ more on mint, as garnish)
1 spg Mint (as garnish)

Shake, strain, crushed ice, mint.


Remove the rum and bitters for a Virgin Sacrifice.

Your original creation
Rafa García Febles, NYC.
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4 stars
(9 ratings)
From other users
  • Great as spec'd...also good modified with: New Deal ginger liqueur for syrup, falernum for simple, + 1 oz rhum agricole, + 0.25 oz Campari. — ★★★★★
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  • Shelter from the Storm — Jamaican rum, Campari, Pomegranate juice, Lemon juice, Passion fruit syrup
  • Shipwreck — Rum, Bitters, Pineapple juice, Cream of coconut, Grapefruit juice, Lime juice
  • Bermuda Swizzle — Rum, Falernum, Bitters, Lime juice, Pineapple juice, Simple syrup, Pineapple

Finnish Line (mulled wine, à la minute)

3 oz Red wine, Malbec
2 oz Water (hot)
3⁄4 oz Jamaican rum
3⁄4 oz Cinnamon syrup
1⁄4 oz Virgin Islands Rum, Cruzan Blackstrap
2 Cinnamon stick
2 wdg Lemon

Combine, finishing with the hot water, stir, and divide between two glasses.

Altered recipe
Rafa García Febles, NYC.
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