Dandy Cocktail

1⁄2 part Rye
1⁄2 oz Aromatized wine, Dubonnet
1 twst Lemon peel
1 twst Orange peel

Shake (or preferably stir), strain, up.

Authentic recipe
via Harry Craddock, Savoy Bar.
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4 stars
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From other users
  • 1.5 oz rye 1.5 oz Dubonnet .5 oz Cointreau 1 dash Ango lemon and orange peels
Similar cocktails
  • Thorn Bush — Rye, Aromatized wine, Calisaya, Maraschino Liqueur
  • Lovecraft in Brooklyn — Rye, Jamaican rum, Aromatized wine, Madeira, Grapefruit bitters, Bitters, Orange peel
  • Deshler Cocktail — Rye, Aromatized wine, Triple sec, Peychaud's Bitters, Orange peel, Lemon peel
  • Ordet — Cognac, Aromatized wine, Triple sec, Suze, Lemon peel
  • Pick Six #2 — Rye, Aromatized wine, Cognac, Campari, Amontillado Sherry, Fernet Branca, Peychaud's Bitters

Rhum Dandy Shim

1⁄2 oz Rhum Agricole, Rhum JM Blanc
1⁄2 oz Lime juice
1 bsp Cane syrup, Petite Canne
2 ds Absinthe
1 twst Lime peel (grated, as garnish)

Build in an Old Fashioned glass over crushed ice, topping with more crushed ice, add a straw, garnish with grated lime zest.

Authentic recipe
Craig Lane, Bar Agricole, San Francisco, CA.
Curator rating
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3 stars
(1 rating)
Similar cocktails
  • 5 Spot — Martinique Rum, Bitters, Lime juice, Maple syrup, Water, Ginger syrup, Basil
  • Rhum Cocktail Marilene — Rhum Agricole, Bitters, Lime juice, Sugar
  • Daiquiri with Benefits (DWB) — Martinique Rum, Batavia Arrack, Lime juice, Cane syrup
  • Melba Cocktail — Light rum, Swedish Punsch, Absinthe, Lime juice, Grenadine
  • Desperate search — Mirabelle eau-de-vie, Rhum Agricole, Herbal liqueur, Suze, Galliano, Lemon juice, Oleo-saccharum

Perfect Storm (Happiness Forgets)

1 1⁄2 oz Demerara Rum, Skipper dark rum
1 t Dry plum brandy, La Vieille Prune
1⁄2 oz Honey
1⁄2 oz Ginger juice
2⁄3 oz Lemon juice
1 wdg Lemon (as garnish)

Shake, strain, rocks, garnish.

Authentic recipe
Alastair Burgess, Happiness Forgets, London, UK.
Curator rating
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Average rating
4 stars
(1 rating)
Similar cocktails
  • 'Burn Notice — Jamaican rum, Bitters, Lime juice, Ginger-Honey Syrup, Yuzu preserves
  • Tatooine Sunset — Jamaican rum, Falernum, Bitters, Lime juice, Ginger syrup
  • Tommy and the Ron Dels — Añejo rum, Tequila, Galliano, Mezcal, Absinthe, Bitters, Lime juice, Agave syrup, Lime
  • Banana Daiquiri No. 2 — Jamaican rum, Crème de Banane, Scotch, Lime juice, Ginger syrup, Lime
  • Golden Gun — Blended rum, Añejo rum, Apricot liqueur, Bitters, Lime juice, Demerara syrup, Grapefruit juice


1 1⁄2 oz Blanco tequila (strawberry-infused)
3⁄4 oz Lime juice
1⁄2 oz Kiwi syrup
2 ds Rhubarb bitters (Or Peychaud's)
1 spg Mint (as garnish)
1 ds Herbal liqueur, Yellow Chartreuse (Aromatic spritz; see note)

Shake, strain over rocks and soda, garnish, spritz, serve with straw.


Aromatic spritz: fill an atomizer with equal parts of yellow Chartreuse and strawberry liqueur (or infuse Chartreuse with strawberry).

Your original creation
Rafa García Febles, NYC.
Curator rating
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Similar cocktails
  • Ándale — Blanco tequila, Club soda, Pineapple juice, Lime juice, Ginger syrup, chili tincture, Coriander bitters, Cinnamon stick
  • Bim's Cup — Barbados Rum, Pimm's No. 1 Cup, Falernum, Bitters, Ginger beer, Lime juice, Mint
  • Black Mamba — Vodka, Falernum, Ginger ale, Lime juice, Simple syrup, Activated Charcoal, Lime
  • La Nuestra Paloma — Tequila, Elderflower liqueur, Triple sec, Bitters, Club soda, Lime juice, Grapefruit juice, Grapefruit peel
  • Chuncho Cooler — Pisco, Galliano, Club soda, Lime juice, Ginger syrup

Athol Brose (The Coachman)

1 1⁄2 oz Blended Scotch
1⁄2 oz Honey syrup (1:1)
1⁄4 oz Coffee (cold press coffee concentrate)
2 oz Milk (oat-infused)
1 pn Nutmeg (as garnish)

Shake, strain, up, garnish.


Oat-infused milk, via Ellestad: "Heat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Spread 1 cup steel-cut or stone-ground oats onto a rimmed baking sheet and place in the oven for a half hour, then stir to redistribute and bake another 15 minutes, until they’re evenly tan and smell a bit like popcorn. Set aside to cool."

Authentic recipe
Erik Ellestad, The Coachman, San Francisco, CA.
Curator rating
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4 stars
(1 rating)
Similar cocktails

Instructions on toasting oatmeal are supplied, but not on the infusion. Do you have the amt. of milk and suggested steep time?

Bewitched, Bothered, & Bewildered

1 1⁄2 oz Brandy
1⁄2 oz Bénédictine
1⁄2 oz Coffee liqueur, Galliano Ristretto

Stir, strain.


For a drier drink, replace the coffee liqueur with coffee concentrate.

Your original creation
Rafa García Febles, NYC.
Curator rating
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4.5 stars
(21 ratings)
From other users
  • Excellent. Used Vecchia Romagna and Borghetti Espresso Liqueur.
  • Used Dr. Elmegirab's Aphrodite Bitters — ★★★★★
  • Go easy on the mole bitters; as with most things they overwhelm easily (I always give myself this advice and forget to take it). I expressed lemon peel over the top as I like lemon peel on everything
  • With Maison Rouge and Kahlua. Too sweet but I like the flavors.
Similar cocktails
  • Bean Country — Bourbon, Bénédictine, Coffee liqueur, Bitters, Orange peel

Brandy Lift

1 1⁄2 oz Brandy
1⁄2 oz Bénédictine
1⁄2 oz Orgeat (Small Hands Foods)
1⁄2 oz Heavy cream

Shake, strain into an 8 oz fizz glass, slowly top with soda while agitating to cause the foam to rise.

Authentic recipe
Jennifer Colliau, The Slanted Door, San Francisco, CA.
Curator rating
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Average rating
4 stars
(3 ratings)
Similar cocktails

Bumble Bee

1 oz Honey syrup (1:1)
3⁄4 oz Lime juice
1⁄2 oz Egg white
1 ds Bitters, Angostura (as garnish)
1 twst Orange peel (expressed and discarded)

Shake, strain, fine strain, express twist, pattern Angostura on the foam.

Altered recipe
The Slanted Door, San Francisco, CA, adapting Charles H. Baker.
Curator rating
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Average rating
2.5 stars
(2 ratings)
Similar cocktails

Gin Fizz Tropical

2 oz Gin, Plymouth
1⁄2 oz Orgeat, Small Hand Foods
1⁄2 oz Pineapple syrup
1⁄2 oz Egg white
1 spg Mint (as garnish)

(Dry shake and?) shake, strain into a fizz glass, top with soda. Garnish with a bouquet of mint skewered through a lime wheel.

Altered recipe
The Slanted Door, San Francisco, CA, adapting Charles H. Baker.
Curator rating
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Average rating
3.5 stars
(3 ratings)
From other users
  • Couldn't muster a thick enough egg-white head to hold up my lime wheel. — ★★★
Similar cocktails
  • Le Marseille Fruits Fizz — Gin, Elderflower liqueur, Orange bitters, Club soda, Lemon juice, Egg white, Simple syrup, Fruit
  • Mid-Morning Fizz — Gin, Herbal liqueur, Lemon juice, Club soda, Simple syrup, Egg white, Orange flower water
  • Rule Britannia — Gin, Falernum, Bitters, Cola, Lime juice, Ginger syrup
  • Easy Street Fizz — Gin, Elderflower liqueur, Club soda, Lemon juice, Egg white
  • Bitter Tom — Gin, Campari, Bénédictine, Soda water, Lemon juice, Simple syrup, Pomegranate molasses, Grapefruit peel

Hot Frenchman

1 oz Gin, G'Vine
1 3⁄4 oz Red wine (Sweet)
2 oz Water (Hot)
1 bsp Honey
1⁄2 oz Lime juice
1 ds Cinnamon
1 spg Cilantro

Combine all the ingredients in a mixing glass or teapot and allow to steep for approx. 3 minutes Pour out through a tea-strainer into the glass
Garnish: Cinnamon stick

Hot Frenchman
G'Vine Gin
Philip Duff
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Similar cocktails
  • Ideal — Gin, Sweet vermouth, Dry vermouth, Maraschino Liqueur, Almonds, Grapefruit juice
  • Inca — Gin, Sherry, Dry vermouth, Sweet vermouth, Orange bitters, Orgeat, Orange peel
  • Forbidden Fruit #2 — Gin, Dry white wine, Elderflower liqueur, Lime juice, Agave syrup
  • Yellow Daisy — Gin, Dry vermouth, Orange liqueur, Absinthe, Cherry
  • Moonlight — Gin, White wine, Kirschwasser, Grapefruit juice, Lemon peel