Three Bitters

1⁄2 oz Campari
1⁄2 oz Cynar
1⁄4 oz Fernet Branca
1 oz Orange juice (Cara Cara)
1 oz Simple syrup (Turbinado)
1⁄2 oz Lemon juice
1 sli Orange (Grilled)
1 spg Chocolate mint

Shake liquids with ice and strain into chilled cocktail glass. Garnish w/ grilled orange slice and sprig of chocolate mint.

Authentic recipe
Derek Brown; The Passenger/Columbia Room; Washington, D.C
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4 stars
(8 ratings)
From other users
  • Great drink using orange juice. I doubled it, using only 3/4 oz. of Turbinado and found the bitter/sweet balance spot on. I recommend adding the garnish, I was pleasantly surprised how much it contributed to the nose.
Similar cocktails
  • Guardian Angel — Amaro Montenegro, Jamaican rum, Lime juice, Orgeat, Rose water, Cucumber
  • The Delicious Cobbler — Amaro Montenegro, Amontillado Sherry, Ramazzotti, Pineapple juice, Honey syrup, Lemon, Orange
  • Ides of March — Bourbon, Aperol, Blood orange syrup, Lemon juice, Lemon peel
Bevx commented on 1/13/2013:

I found this drink linked to the same article as The Getaway and was excited to try it, because I thought I had Cara Cara oranges. But when I sliced one open, I was quickly reminded that I'd sprung for the Moro blood oranges instead. No matter; they gave this drink a gorgeous hue. Also, it seemed like it might be a touch sweet, so I dropped the simple (I had Demerara, not Turbinado) to 3/4 ounce... Sadly, my chocolate mint died a couple months ago, so I skipped it. And I wasn't about to fire up a grill for one slice of orange, so I subbed a flamed Seville orange peel... I love the bittersweet-sour genre of drinks, and this is a great example.

Hmm.... an interesting drink here. Two questions: (1) Can you paraphrase the instruction in your own words please? (2) I'm wondering why the source says "shake the (3/4 oz) spirits with ice to make 1 oz", then neglects to tell you what to do with the juice and simple.

Bevx commented on 1/13/2013:

Yeah, I suppose I didn't read it that closely before pasting it in... I assume he meant "liquids" rather than "spirits," and I'm guessing he meant "adding 1 ounce of dilution". The original source for The Getaway had a similar (odd) dilution instruction... I've tweaked the instructions to be more clear.

What's weird to me is that they're so specific calling for the 3/4 oz (!?) of spirits to be diluted to 1 oz. What are you supposed to do with the juices and simple, put them in a glass and dump it down the sink?

Bevx commented on 1/13/2013:

Well, by my math, the pre-diluted spirits already add up to 1 1/4 oz (1/2 + 1/2 + 1/4), so that's why I interpreted it as 1 ounce of dilution. He said "dilute TO 1 ounce," but what he probably meant was "dilute BY 1 ounce." The omission of the non-alcoholic ingredients is rather puzzling, though... But unless told to do something specific with an ingredient (float, rinse, etc.), I tend to assume it all goes into the mixing glass.

I made 2 of these last night (couldn't let that other half orange go to waste!) and found it truly fascinating. The blood orange and lemon combine nicely, and the 3 amari play so well together that I couldn't pick any of them out until the finish, when the Fernet finally peeked out to say hello ('cause, y'know, it's Fernet).

Bevx commented on 1/13/2013:

Picked up some Cara Caras today, so I had to try this again... Wow! Almost a completely different drink. The citrus has a completely different character, and is much more grapefruit-like, reminding me of the Jasmine. The Fernet stays a little more in the background too... I'm honestly not sure which I like more (though the blood orange version had a much more pleasing color). Fortunately, it's not a very boozy drink, so I suppose I'll have to make 1 or 2 more each way to decide. ;)

Gin Blossom Fizz

1 1⁄2 oz Gin, Hendrick's
1⁄2 oz Vanilla syrup, Sonoma Syrups
1⁄2 oz Lime juice
4 oz Club soda (to taste)

Shake ingredients (except club soda) over ice; strain over ice and top with club soda


Clean, fresh drink for summer

Your original creation
mcoates23, Arlington, VA
Curator rating
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3 stars
(2 ratings)
Similar cocktails
  • Jeu d'Esprit — Genever, Triple sec, Elderflower liqueur, Bitters, Orange bitters, Club soda, Orange juice, Orange

The Navy Six

1 1⁄2 oz Rum, Smith & Cross
1⁄2 oz Virgin Islands Rum, Pusser's
1 oz Black Cardamom (syrup)

Shake and strain into coupe glass.


Began as a challenge to create a drink so aggressive it would make one physically ill, but created a strong, aggressive decent cocktail for the adventurous.

Your original creation
Dustin Doran
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3 stars
(2 ratings)
Similar cocktails

The Bradley

3⁄4 oz Rye, Rittenhouse 100
3⁄4 oz Campari
3⁄4 oz Black Cardamom (syrup)

Stir and strain into a double old-fashioned glass over a large hand cut ice cube.
Garnish with a orange twist.


Created nearly a month ago over a challenge to make a drink our cook would never consider.

Your original creation
Dustin Doran
Curator rating
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3 stars
(3 ratings)
Similar cocktails
  • Czech Matador — Rye, R. Jelinek Fernet, Cherry Liqueur, Orange juice
  • Inland Dynasty — Rye, Martinique Rum, Virgin Islands Rum, Grapefruit juice, Cinnamon syrup, Cinnamon
  • Foglamp — Allspice Dram, Bonal Gentiane Quina, Amer Picon, Rye, Orange liqueur, Orange bitters, Grapefruit juice
  • Airliner — Cognac, Sorel liqueur, Bitters, Grapefruit juice, Grapefruit peel
  • Murder of Crows — Rye, Nocino, Bitters, Grapefruit juice, Cinnamon syrup
HallA commented on 2/28/2024:

Shockingly balanced.. despite my concerns. The black cardamon is a very strong / long evolving smoke and really does something nice with the hardcore bitter bomb of campari on the early palate and the orange liqueur (I used Pierre Ferrand Curacao) links them so it has a really nice long evolution and finish. I'm not 100% sure I'm even getting much overt rye though suspect it may be holding up the other flavors / adding a little fullness.

Cherry Christmas

1 1⁄2 oz Bourbon
1 oz Cherry cider

Build in an ice filled rocks glass and stir.

Picture of Cherry Christmas
2011 Kindred Cocktails
Your original creation
Stew Ellington
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4 stars
(1 rating)
Similar cocktails
  • Raspberry Whiskey Smasheroo — Bourbon, Cassis, Orange bitters, Raspberry, Agave syrup, Lemon
  • Refresh The Night — Rye, Blackberry liqueur, Orange bitters, Orange juice, Soda water
  • Windy Day — Brandy, Cassis, Grapefruit juice, Lavender syrup, Egg yolk
  • Trampoline Casualty — Pineapple rum, Sloe gin, Demerara Rum, Orange bitters, Chocolate bitters, Ginger syrup, Lemon juice, Maraschino cherry

Smoked Cherry Sling


Shake all but the fizz water and strain into a highball glass containing a modest amount of ice. Top with the fizz water and dust with freshly grated nutmeg.

Picture of Smoked Cherry Sling
Your original creation
Stew Ellington
Curator rating
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3.5 stars
(3 ratings)
Similar cocktails
  • Kanji — Kirschwasser, Cherry Liqueur, Lime juice, Soda water, Simple syrup
  • Lingua Franca — Pisco, Jamaican rum, Falernum, Pear liqueur, Apricot liqueur, Orange bitters, Soda water, Lemon juice
  • Lights Out Punch — Reposado Tequila, Sweet vermouth, Bitters, Soda water, Apple juice, Lemon juice, Demerara syrup, Tea
  • youre not ee cummings — Vodka, Cava, White Peach Shrub, Lemon juice, Orange flower water
  • Grow A Pear — Reposado Tequila, Pear liqueur, Bitters, Ginger beer, Lime juice



Stir and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Lemon peel garnish.

Picture of Astroturf
Your original creation
Stew Ellington
Curator rating
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3 stars
(6 ratings)
From other users
  • May cut the Punt a Mes a little with another vermouth.
Similar cocktails
  • Martinez (Death & Co) — Old Tom Gin, Sweet vermouth, Maraschino Liqueur, Kirschwasser, Orange bitters, Lemon peel
  • Hercules — Old Tom Gin, Sweet vermouth, Maraschino Liqueur, Bitters, Orange cream citrate
  • The Seagull — Old Tom Gin, Suze, Maraschino Liqueur, Crème de Violette, Orange bitters
  • (Variation on) Variations on a Theme — Old Tom Gin, Cherry Liqueur, Campari, Bitters, Maraschino Liqueur
  • Variation on a Theme — Old Tom Gin, Cherry Liqueur, Campari, Maraschino Liqueur, Orange bitters

Ritz Cocktail

1 oz Cognac
1⁄4 oz Lemon juice
4 oz Champagne (Fill champagne glass)
1 twst Orange peel (Flamed as garnish)

Add first 4 ingredients to mixing glass with ice and stir well. Strain into martini glass and fill with champagne. Garnish with flamed orange peel.


Amazing champage cocktail by Dale DeGroff made as tribute to Ritz Cocktails of Paris and Madrid.

Authentic recipe
Dale DeGroff
Source reference

The Craft of the Cocktail by Dale DeGroff

Curator rating
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4 stars
(15 ratings)
From other users
  • 3/4 oz cognac 2oz champagne
Similar cocktails
  • Buggy Whip — Champagne, Bourbon, Triple sec, Apfelkorn, Bitters, Lemon peel
  • Forbidden Apple — Champagne, Calvados, Orange liqueur, Bitters, Orange peel
  • Fortune Cocktail — Champagne, Applejack, Lemon juice, Simple syrup, Mint
  • Spice Me Up — Brut Champagne, Cognac VSOP, Honey syrup, Lemon juice, Candied ginger
  • Orange Angelus — Champagne, Orange liqueur, Brandy, Vodka, Orange bitters, Lemon juice
sgls commented on 7/31/2020:

In The Essential Cocktail, DeGroff uses 3/4 oz cognac, 1/2 oz Maraschino Liqueur and 1/2 oz lemon juice.

New Orleans Cocktail

2 oz Bourbon
1 twst Lemon peel (flamed for garnish)

Stir all ingredients with ice as you would a martini and strain into chilled martini glass. Garnish with flamed lemon peel.

Authentic recipe
Dale DeGroff
Source reference

The Craft of the Cocktail by Dale DeGroff

Curator rating
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3.5 stars
(2 ratings)
Similar cocktails
  • Black Rose — Bourbon, Peychaud's Bitters, Grenadine, Lemon peel
  • Battle of New Orleans — Bourbon, Peychaud's Bitters, Absinthe, Orange bitters, Simple syrup
  • Improved Whiskey Cocktail — Bourbon, Bitters, Maraschino Liqueur, Absinthe, Simple syrup, Lemon peel
  • Old Fashioned — Bourbon, Bitters, Sugar, Lemon peel
  • Mother-In-Law — Bourbon, Orange Curaçao, Maraschino Liqueur, Peychaud's Bitters, Bitters, Torani Amer, Simple syrup

Mark Twain Cocktail

1 1⁄2 oz Blended Scotch
3⁄4 oz Lemon juice

Shake all ingredients with ice and strain into chilled cocktail glass.


As described to his wife in a letter from London, 1874.

Authentic recipe
Source reference

The Craft of the Cocktail by Dale DeGroff

Curator rating
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Average rating
3 stars
(2 ratings)
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