The Trooper

1⁄2 oz Cynar
1⁄2 oz Aromatized wine, Lillet Blanc

Stir over ice until well chilled, strain into chilled cocktail glass/coupe

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  • Triple this! — ★★★★
  • Love it. Could probably just skip the Maraschino. It's completely lost and the drink is a tad sweet in any case.
Similar cocktails
  • Bundt Cake Buddha — Jamaican rum, Aromatized wine, Cynar, Bénédictine, Orange liqueur, Orange, Orange peel
  • Portwine Stain — Jamaican rum, Demerara Rum, Port, Cynar, Bitters
  • Cactus & Thistle — Tequila, Cynar, Bianco Vermouth, Aromatized wine, Bitters, Lemon
  • Quartermaster (Gin Joint) — Trinidad rum, Cardamaro, Irish whiskey, Cynar, Maraschino Liqueur, Campari, Bitters
  • The Upstart — Venezuelan rum, Rye, Cynar, Sherry, Bitters

Very tasty but tiny. Suggest 11/2oz tequila, 3/4oz each of Cynar and Lillet and leave the maraschino as specified.

8th and Collins

1 1⁄2 oz Pisco
1⁄2 oz Genever, Anchor (Genevieve)
3⁄4 oz Lemon juice
3⁄4 oz Simple syrup

Dry shake, shake, strain, up, garnish with three more drops of Angostura.

Authentic recipe
Mike Ryan, Chicago, IL.
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3 stars
(2 ratings)
From other users
  • Pisco and lemon juice mix well here.
Similar cocktails
  • Susina Sour — Plum eau-de-vie, Orange liqueur, Gin, Lemon juice, Honey syrup, Cherry, Rosemary
  • Pink Ladymeister — Gin, Apple brandy, Jägermeister, Lemon juice, Simple syrup, Egg white, Grenadine
  • The Lady Gin Fizz — Gin, Aperol, Rose Geranium Liqueur, Bitters, Soda water, Simple syrup, Grapefruit juice, Lime juice, Egg white
  • Jennifer's Lair — Gin, Pimm's No. 1 Cup, Dry vermouth, Maraschino Liqueur, Pear liqueur, Lime juice
  • Curfew — Mastika, Grappa, Cuban rum, Pineapple juice, Lime juice, Beer Syrup, Yuzu juice



Build over cubed ice in a rocks glass, stirring enough to combine the ingredients without melting the ice too much. Garnish with an orange twist.


Where the Negroni has light herbal notes discernable around the edges of the Campari's distinctive bitterness, this variant has a subtle syrupy sweetness as well as peppery and spicy qualities not found in the original. It's an altogether rounder flavour. Jägermeister requires something powerful to temper its dominating taste, and the Campari does a very respectable job. It's a surprisingly convicingly combination overall.


This arose as part of my personal mission to include Jägermeister in serious cocktails, which seems to be a largely unexplored area outside of Jägerbombs, the less said about which the better.

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  • Syrupy.
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Funny, there was another Jageroni entered into MxMo LXXI. Though that one used Jagermeister as a substitute for the sweet vermouth.

This sounds good, and I applaud your project to treat Jägermeister as a serious cocktail ingredient, but this drink could only be improved by being renamed the Jäbroni.

Death in the Gulf Stream

3 oz Genever
1 Key lime (juice and peel)
4 ds Bitters, Angostura (large dashes)
1 t Sugar (optional)

Muddle lime peel in lime juice, fill a Collins with crushed ice, add Angostura, lime juice/peel, and Genever, stir. Or, in Baker-ese: "Take a tall thin water tumbler and fill it with finely cracked ice. Lace this broken debris with 4 good purple splashes of Angostura, add the juice and crushed peel of 1 green lime, and fill glass almost full with Holland gin."


Baker again: "No sugar, no fancying. It’s strong, it’s bitter – but so is English ale strong and bitter, in many cases. We don’t add sugar to ale, and we don’t need sugar in a Death in the Gulf Stream – or at least not more than 1 tsp. Its tartness and its bitterness are its chief charm. It is reviving and refreshing; cools the blood and inspires renewed interest in food, companions and life."


Appears in Charles H. Baker's The Gentleman's Companion: Around the World with Knife, Fork and Spoon

Authentic recipe
Ernest Hemingway
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(7 ratings)
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  • Disagreed with the first sip as bitter and kind of medicinal, but this grew on me.
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The Botanist

1 1⁄2 oz Gin, Art in the Age Sage
1 1⁄2 oz Aromatized wine, Cocchi Americano
1 twst Lemon peel

Stir with ice, up, twist.

Your original creation
Source reference

Savoy Cocktail Book

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3.5 stars
(9 ratings)
From other users
  • Made with Plymouth navy strength. Bitters and Cocchi combine to contribute an almost tonic-like finish.
  • 5/19/19: only changes: 1.25 oz Plymouth navy strength and served over one large cube. Prefer this to a martini.
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Don't really get this recipe--isn't Art in the Age Sage a liqueur rather than a gin? And what' s the reference to the Savoy book? Anyway, made it with Plymouth navy strength and enjoyed it!

El Camino (Trina Sturm)

2 1⁄2 oz Reposado Tequila, Chinaco
1⁄2 oz Xtabentun (Mexican honey liqueur)
4 ds Bitters, Bittermens Xocolatl Mole (two full droppers)

Stir, strain, rocks.


Yarm: "[T]he end result was very much in line with a Mexican Rusty Nail, albeit one with some extra anise and chocolate notes instead of heather and peat ones in the Scotch-Drambuie version."

Authentic recipe
Trina Sturm, Trina's Starlite Lounge, Somerville, MA.
Curator rating
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4 stars
(1 rating)
Similar cocktails
  • Another Fine Mes — Rye, Tequila, Triple sec, Sweet vermouth, Bitters, Orange bitters, Maple syrup, Orange peel
  • Rum River Mystic — Rye, Rum, Byrrh, Bénédictine, Bitters
  • Floridita Special — Rye, Sweet vermouth, Amer Picon, Triple sec, Bitters, Sugar
  • The Civil Litigation — Brandy, Aquavit, Licor 43, Averna, Grapefruit bitters, Caperitif, Orange peel
  • McClellan's Curse — Rye, Sweet vermouth, Absinthe, Bitters, Allspice Dram

Le Nouveau Moureaux

2 oz Bourbon
1⁄2 oz Suze
1⁄2 oz Demerara syrup (2:1)

Stir all ingredients in an ice-filled mixing glass and strain into a chilled coupe.


Named this for the inventor of Suze, Messr. Fernand Moureaux

Picture of Le Nouveau Moureaux
2011 Kindred Cocktails
Your original creation
El Jefe
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4 stars
(9 ratings)
From other users
  • Totally inoffensive but nothing special. 2.5★
  • What a fantastic drink! Note to self: Keep the ABV at 45 or above to stand up to the syrup.
  • Nice - used dashfire grapefruit
Similar cocktails
  • Bourbon Smash — Bourbon, Bitters, Simple syrup, Lemon, Mint
  • Shade Saver — Bourbon, Applejack, Bitters, Simple syrup, Lime peel, Coriander seeds
  • Vieux Mode — Bourbon, Suze, Triple sec, Bitters
  • Geno Smith — Bourbon, Ginger liqueur, Curaçao, Bitters, Orange peel
  • Wigglesworth — Bourbon, Fernet Branca, Bitters, Simple syrup

Denny Triangle Cocktail

2 oz Gin, Beefeater
3⁄4 oz Bénédictine
1⁄4 oz Fernet Branca
Jamie Boudreau
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(13 ratings)
From other users
  • Rare FB drink where the FB isn't the entire story.
  • 2.5 oz gin 1 oz Benedictine light on FB
Similar cocktails
  • Antibes — Gin, Bénédictine, Grapefruit juice, Orange
  • Pampered Moose — Old Tom Gin, Ginger liqueur, Grapefruit liqueur, Bitters, Grapefruit juice, Grapefruit peel
  • Vow of Silence — Old Tom Gin, Herbal liqueur, Averna, Grapefruit juice, Lemon juice, Simple syrup
  • Nervous Breakdown — Gin, Grapefruit liqueur, Amaro, Grapefruit bitters, Lime juice
  • Best In Show — Gin, Pamplemousse Rose, Aveze
laerm commented on 1/05/2018:

I thought this was pretty bland. So I doubled the fernet and added 1/2 oz of Donn';s #2. Helped, but still meh.

Hoppy Father-in-Law

1 1⁄2 oz Hophead Vodka, Anchor Distilling
1 oz Herbal liqueur, Green Chartreuse
1 oz Lemon juice (fresh squeezed)
1 oz Lime juice (fresh squeezed)
1 dr Door County Hop Bitters, Bittercube (1 full droper)

Add liquers and juices to a ice filled cocktail shaker; shake hard. In an apéritif glass add 1 dropper of hop bitters to rinse the glass. Strain, pour and serve


{In this cocktail the components} all come together to highlight each of the liquors more subtle flavors


Created at Buckley's in Milwaukee. When I first had this drink I thought it was great, but the profile really through me for a loop! The elderflower was very subdued, but the herbal anise-ie notes were great along with the dry tartness and a really wonderful earthyness. I wouldn't have thought hops would've brought that out as strongly as it did--I thought it must have been mezcal or a reposado. Great drink!

Picture of Hoppy Father-in-Law
2011 Kindred Cocktails
Your original creation
Britt Buckley; Buckley's Restaurant & Bar, Milwaukee
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4.5 stars
(3 ratings)
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Boulevardier 12

1 1⁄2 oz Bourbon
3⁄4 oz Sweet vermouth
1⁄2 oz Campari
1⁄2 oz Amaro
1 rinse Herbal liqueur, Pernod
1 twst Orange peel

Stir in ice, rinse chilled cocktail glass with Pernod and empty, strain into glass and serve.


Orange peel can be flamed, bitters optional in this drink. At any time, feel free to substitute Bourbon with 100% Rye Whisky.

Curator rating
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4.5 stars
(58 ratings)
From other users
  • Made with 1/2 Ramozotti, half Averna, Absinthe spray. Tasty and complex. On the bitter side. — ★★★★★
  • Nice with Nardini.
  • Made with ½ Ramazotti, ½ Averna. Lovely drink. — ★★★★★
  • wonder if it would be better with a campari substitute, like Contratto Bitter. And Rye?
  • split the amaro between ramazotti and averna; used scrappy chocolate bitters and absinthe. an absolute treat.
  • complex cocktail - VG — ★★★★
  • Nice cocktail. I used orange plus a spray of Laphroaig 10yr.
  • Bulleit Rye Punt E Mes Averna
  • New favorite
  • Used Cocchi di Tornio & CioCiaro. Very good.
Similar cocktails
Bevx commented on 4/27/2013:

Which amaro do you recommend? Of the amari I've tried, I imagine Ramazzotti or CioCiaro would work well, along with maybe Montenegro or Averna (although I've not yet tasted the former)... Any others?

Looks like Meletti might be a good choice; I've been meaning to try it with Campari but haven't yet figured out a good ratio...

Amaro Montenegro or Averna work well, but not the more bitter ones like Ramazotti. Montenegro is a little thinner and sweeter in this drink, Averna a little more syrupy but a little more bitter; so whatever suits your tastes.

Tried this last night with Cocchi Vermouth di Torino, Montenegro Amaro and 3 dashes of orange bitters. I also used Bulliet Rye. Needless to say it was a little too sweet with a lot of citrus going on. I'm thinking of trying again with Buffalo Trace Bourbon and Dolin Dry Vermouth.

Tried with Bulleit Rye, Punt e Mes, and Averna, with Fee Bros Aztec Chocolate Bitters and a navel orange peel, and it is divine! The Rye, PeM and Averna combo is dense and slightly spicy; a real winner.

I found the "Boulevardier 12" to be both a fascinating and tasty drink. Why fascinating? Well, it gave the drinker so many options: Bourbon or rye? which bourbon or rye? which sweet vermouth? and especially, which amaro?

I decided to play it safe, and it worked. I used Jim Beam Black bourbon, Vya sweet vermouth, Picon Amer, and Bittermens Xocolatl Mole, along with the Campari and a hefty orange twist. This was a smooth, lightly sweet drink, with slightly bitter overtones and a hint of chocolate. I rated this concoction at 4.5. It don't get much better than this!

Next time, I will try rye (not sure of the brand, as I have five options), also I'll try Dolin sweet vermouth, and finally I'll throw in Averna or Montenegro for the amaro. It should hit a rating of 4.0, at least. Wish me luck!

I like this with an alteration to the vermouth. I use .25oz chipotle infused vermouth and .5 regular. Gives it a suble nice spice to it. You can also add a spray of Laphroaig10yr to it to top it off. 


Made with Willett Pot Still Bourbon, Averna, Ramazotti, Carpano Antica, rinsed with St. George Absinthe Verte. Wife’s comment: “That is one slutty drink. Can I have more?”

Worked okay with Averna - shift to Punt e Mes next time and see if we can bring it up a level.