Gucci Sweater Now

1 1⁄4 oz Cognac
3⁄4 oz Bénédictine
1⁄2 oz Valdespino Jerez Quina
1⁄4 oz Dry vermouth, Dolin

Express 2 lemon twists over ice in a mixing glass. Add everything, stir, strain into a coupe.


Whatever base spirit you use, it needs to be oaky and high proof - I'm using Daniel Bouju's "Royal" which is 120 proof and very oaky. Need to use some store pick Bourbon you don't love? This is a good place for it.

Your original creation
Zachary Pearson
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Similar cocktails
  • Sidney Cocktail — Rye, Herbal liqueur, Dry vermouth
  • Gramercy — Rye, Sweet vermouth, Herbal liqueur, Bénédictine
  • Mellow Yellow — Bourbon, Becherovka, Herbal liqueur, Apricot liqueur, Orange bitters, Orange peel
  • Golden Dog — Scotch, Apricot liqueur, Aromatized wine, Bénédictine
  • 3-2-1 — Rye, Herbal liqueur, Dry vermouth

Love the name. Drink sounds delicious, too. 

Thanks Rafa - I have a nagging feeling it needs something high proof and really woody to cut through the sweetness. I'm going to try it with something from Daniel Bouju I think. Thanks,  Zachary

Red Lion

1 oz Gin, Tanqueray (I don't recommend a floral gin for this, e.g. NOT Bombay)
1⁄2 oz Orange juice
1⁄2 oz Lemon juice

Shake and strain into sugar-rimmed glass.


Comes out yellow instead of red, but you could add a bit of grenadine

Authentic recipe
Arthur Albert Tarling (1902-1974) as head bartender at London's Cafe Royal
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3.5 stars
(5 ratings)
Similar cocktails
  • Dusty Tail — Gin, Pimm's No. 1 Cup, Bitters, Orange juice, Lemon juice, Simple syrup
  • The Music Orange — Gin, Falernum, Bitters, Orange juice, Lemon juice, Egg white
  • Communist — Gin, Cherry Liqueur, Orange juice, Lemon juice
  • Maiden's Prayer — Gin, Triple sec, Lemon juice, Orange juice
  • Sour Pampered Mousse — Gin, Grapefruit liqueur, Falernum, Lime juice, Grapefruit peel

Curated this: Renamed the drink per the cited link (removed creator's name which is confusing). Reverted drink to cited specs. Thanks, Zachary


1 1⁄2 oz Blanco tequila, Chinaco
3⁄4 oz Pineau des Charentes, Chateau d'Orignac (Montifaud Rosso)
1⁄2 oz Curaçao, Pierre Ferrand Dry Curaçao
1⁄4 oz Crème de Banane, Giffard (Banana du Brasil)

Stir for about 10 to 15 seconds, then strain into a Nick & Nora glass. Garnish with expressed orange peel.


Named for the train station in Cognac, France

Authentic recipe
Brian Means, Dirty Habits at the Hotel Zelos, San Francisco, CA
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3.5 stars
(2 ratings)
Similar cocktails
  • Sweet do not kill — Blanco tequila, Kirschwasser, Galliano, Bianco Vermouth, Luxardo Bitter Bianco, Hibiscus syrup
  • Bizarre Love Triangle — Blanco tequila, Dry vermouth, Crème de Banane, Orange peel
  • Saramago — Blanco tequila, Bianco Vermouth, Elderflower liqueur, Orange bitters, Mezcal, Grapefruit peel
  • Georgetown Tuxedo — Light rum, Dry vermouth, Falernum, Maraschino Liqueur, Absinthe, Orange peel
  • Mount Pelée — Rhum Agricole, Apricot liqueur, Falernum, Dry vermouth, Orange bitters, Bitters, Orange peel

Was looking to use up an open bottle of Pierre Ferrand Pineau I have in the fridge and found this recipe on Punch.  Always on the lookout for more stirred tequila cocktails (especially using blancos), so I mixed it up but didn't read close enough to realize this uses a Rosso Pineau. not Blanc.  Oops.  But it was solid with the Blanc.  Pretty fruity, but the earthy agave notes did cut through nicely.  You definitely want to use a punchy, agave forward tequila, no triple distilled Patron or diffuser garbage.  I thought it needed a bit of a spice counterpoint to all the fruit, so I hit the glass with a couple atomizer spritzes of allspice liqueur.

Banana Buckmeister


Shake, strain, coupe, garnish with an orange twist.


No Jäger on hand, so i mixed 3/4 oz each Ramazzotti and averna, 1/8 fernet and 1/8 Ouzo (greek anise spirit).
The drink was good, very different from what i used to drink. But my palate always need a tart touch when round citrus juices are in the mix. I added 0.5 oz of lemon and it allows more variations on the taste to come trough. Very interesting.

Despite being very nice that way the problem is that with 2 oz of orange juice+1/2 oz lemon , the drink gets diluted a lot and very low abv.
Amaris were still present but nearly faded away.

I will try again the recipe with maybe 1 1/4 or 1.5 oz orange and 1/3 lemon. Maybe lime.

I did not perceived the banana, but some tropical flavor. I rate the lemon version 4 stars.


I've found the recipe on regan's 101 cocktails.

Authentic recipe
Gorge Camorra, Cloud9 bar, Geelong, Victoria, Australia
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1 1⁄2 oz Blanco tequila
1⁄2 oz Campari
1⁄2 oz Lemon juice
3⁄4 oz Strawberry shrub (** Strawberry Peppercorn** Shrub Recipe in Notes)

Shake, strain, up, coupe. No garnish


Strawberry Peppercorn Shrub: Place 1.5 cups (8 oz) of strawberries which have been hulled and quartered, 1/2 cup of white sugar, and 2 tsp of coarsely ground black pepper in a jar. Shake to combine and allow to macerate in fridge for 2 hours to 1 day. Add 1 cup apple cider vinegar and return to fridge for 2 more days. Strain, and allow to sit in fridge for 1 week before using. Will last in fridge for at least a month or two.


I try not to add too many drinks with lots of infusions/syrups etc that are hard to make, but this one is seriously worth the effort of making the shrub. One of the best sours I've ever had. The Shrubs book is also a great addition to a home cocktail library.

Authentic recipe
Michael Dietsch
Source reference

Both cocktail and shrub recipe in: Dietsch, Michael. "Shrubs." (2014)

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5 stars
(2 ratings)
From other users
  • One of the best!
Similar cocktails
  • Sur del Sol — Pisco, Blanco tequila, Aperol, Bitters, Grapefruit bitters, Lemon juice, Agave syrup, Cucumber, Salt
  • Southern Border — Pisco, Blue Curaçao, Peychaud's Bitters, Lime juice, Egg white, Simple syrup
  • Don't Talk to Strangers — Pisco, Cachaça, Campari, Swedish Punsch, Bitters, Lime juice, Egg white, Cinnamon syrup
  • Anchor Scar — Blanco tequila, Amaro Meletti, Grapefruit bitters, Allspice Dram, PInk grapefruit juice, Lime juice, Orgeat
  • Harpo's Special — Light rum, Curaçao, Bitters, Lime juice, Simple syrup, Lime


1 oz Rum, Denizen Merchant's Reserve
1 oz Rum (Gustoso or other grassy white rum)
1⁄2 oz Macadamia nut liqueur, Trader Vic's
3⁄4 oz Falernum (Tippleman's syrup)
1⁄4 oz Hibiscus Liqueur, FruitLab
1 spg Mint (Garnish)

Shake and pour over crushed ice. Garnish.

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Similar cocktails
  • Parasol (Mustipher) — Light rum, Crème de Banane, Lime juice, Pineapple juice
  • The St-Rita — Blanco tequila, Elderflower liqueur, Lime juice
  • Ja Mon — Cachaça, Dark rum, Falernum, Añejo rum, Orange bitters, Walnut Liqueur, Grapefruit juice, Lime juice
  • The JakeWalk — Reposado Tequila, Light rum, Elderflower liqueur, Peychaud's Bitters, Lime juice
  • Truly Scrumptious — Pisco, Pear eau de vie, Pineapple Gum Syrup, Lime juice, Cinnamon


1 oz Gin, Boodles
3⁄4 oz Crème de Cacao
1 1⁄2 oz Grapefruit juice (Ruby Red are preferred as they have a bit of sweetness)
2 ds Aztec Chocolate bitters

Shake all ingredients with ice and strain into a frozen coupe glass.


I was reading some WWII history about the Pathfinder units.

Your original creation
Carl N.
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Sportsman's Cocktail

2 oz Bourbon, Very Old Barton Bonded
3⁄4 oz Zucca
1⁄4 oz Luxardo Bitter
1 rinse Absinthe

Add ingredients to a mixing glass. Add ice and stir. Strain into a chilled absinthe-rinsed glass. No garnish.

Authentic recipe
Sportsman's Club, Chicago, IL
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3 stars
(1 rating)
Similar cocktails
  • The Fountain — Bourbon, Zucca, Cherry Liqueur, Bitters, Lemon peel
  • Italian in NYC — Bourbon, Amaro Nonino, Orange bitters, Maraschino cherry
  • Professional — Bourbon, Campari, Jamaican rum, Grapefruit peel
  • Orange Union — Bourbon, Campari, Wolfberger Amer Orange, Triple sec, Orange peel
  • Game Set Match — Bourbon, Sweet vermouth, Cynar, Bitters, Orange bitters, Lemon, Brandied cherry

Pop Quiz

2 oz Bourbon, Elijah Craig (Small Batch)
1⁄2 oz Ramazzotti
1 twst Orange peel (as garnish)

Stir over ice, strain into old fashioned glass over ice (1 large cube if available). Garnish: Orange Twist

Authentic recipe
Devon Tarby, Death and Co., New York, NY
Source reference

Day, Fauchald, & Kaplan, "Cocktail Codex" (2018). pg. 17

Curator rating
5 stars
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4 stars
(8 ratings)
From other users
  • It takes about 8 drops to make 2 dashes of the chocolate bitters.
  • Very rich, but very good. I go a little easier on the bitters. The chocolate comes through very strong. This would be fantastic after dinner with a coffee.
Similar cocktails

How Do I Compare

3⁄4 oz Apple brandy
3⁄4 oz Bourbon
1⁄2 oz Bénédictine
2 ds Apple bitters
1 twst Orange peel (expressed and discarded)

Build in a rocks glass without ice. Garnish: Orange twist, discarded.

Authentic recipe
Sother Teague, Amor y Amargo, New York, NY
Source reference

Teague, S. "I'm Just Here for the Drinks" (2018). Pg. 233

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4 stars
(5 ratings)
From other users
  • Made with Laird's bonded. Heat of same with cinnamon spice of bitters was pleasant.
Similar cocktails
  • Town Crier — Calvados, Añejo rum, Sweet vermouth, Bénédictine, Peychaud's Bitters, Lemon peel
  • New Vieux — Rye, Bénédictine, Apricot liqueur, Bitters
  • Pirate's Alley — Scotch, Cognac, Walnut Liqueur, Bénédictine, Peychaud's Bitters, Absinthe, Lemon peel
  • Wicked Kiss — Rye, Apple brandy, Herbal liqueur, Bénédictine, Bitters
  • Algiers Point — Cognac, Rye, Sweet vermouth, Herbal liqueur, Peychaud's Bitters, Orange bitters, Pastis, Lemon peel