Lalo Salamanca

1 1⁄2 oz Blanco tequila
1 1⁄2 oz Grapefruit juice
1⁄4 oz Falernum
1⁄4 oz Campari
1 oz India Pale Ale

Combine all ingredients, except the IPA, into a shaker with ice. Shake. Add IPA. Stir. Pour. Enjoy.

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  • We both thought this was fine, but nothing to write home about. Perhaps it was our IPA choice - I didn't have a good one in my fridge, so will try again and rerate after trying with one of my favorite IPAs. — ★★★
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jeesuk commented on 9/18/2020:

@Reviewers with subpar IPA in the fridge, I'd recommend a lighter session IPA. Think ABV of less than 5%. Your "favorite" IPA may be too much for this. You can also try adjusting the volume of the IPA downward a bit.

Fannee Doolee

1 3⁄4 oz Apple brandy
3⁄4 oz Cappelletti Aperitivo
1⁄4 oz Herbal liqueur, Green Chartreuse
1⁄4 oz Kirschwasser
2 ds Apple bitters
1 Cherry (as garnish)

Stir; strain; up; garnish


Fannee Doolee likes apple brandy but hates whiskey; likes Cappelletti but hates Campari; likes Green Chartreuse but hates Genepy; likes Kirschwasser but hates eaux de vies; likes cherries but hates lemon twists. And likes stirred drinks but not shaken.

Picture of Fannee Doolee
Craig Eliason
Your original creation
Craig Eliason, Saint Paul, Minnesota (USA)
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Coconut Swizzle

3 oz Coconut rum (Rum Haven made with real coconut water.)
3⁄4 oz Lime juice
1⁄4 oz Jamaican rum, Myers's (optional)

Build over crushed ice in highball, swizzle, add more ice, swizzle, drink with a metal straw.


Bitters and optional Myers can be floated on top for color but better flavor if you swizzle it.

1st version was just 2 oz. Coconut rum, falernum, lime and bitters.

2nd version upped the coconut rum, added Allspice dram and Myers.

3rd version cut out the Myers (took away from the coconut flavor) but added an optional 1/4 oz. if you want less coconut and a darker color. 2nd version is best.


I stupidly bought some coconut rum and had to make something palatable out of it that didn't taste like suntan lotion. I like swizzles, so this was my solution. I like it!

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Dave Hebb
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  • Updated this - better and more complex with a bit of allspice dram and some Myers (optional), but lost the coconut flavor so I had to up the coconut rum - It's really boozy now, more like a coconut zombie. Cocozombie?
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Milk Clarification of Cocktails

A few weeks ago, a friend mailed a box of old recipes to me because he knows I’m interested in such things. In amongst the mid 1980’s newspaper sections of Christmas cookies and odd advertisements was a column from the Dallas Times Herald that collected famous people’s holiday recipes – things like Ed McMahon’s turkey and brandied stuffing (the less said about that the better), but the jewel of the collection was a recipe from Charles Dickens’ great granddaughter for “Lemon Milk Punch”. This must have greatly confused 1980’s Dallasites. The recipe is in the Kindred Cocktails database now, but it was also a starting place for some interesting thoughts about milk clarification.

Originally, the addition of milk to a punch base was a way to “soften” the drink for the stomachs of delicate drinkers. Though this technique started in the mid 18th century, the process of fining wine is about as old as winemaking itself. Winemakers knew that if a substance like milk or blood was added to a barrel of wine, changes to the clarity of the wine would occur and with them, rough edges would be smoothed away and the stability of the finished product would be enhanced.

This smoothing and preservation was important before the 20th century. After Dickens died in 1870, bottled milk punch was found in his cellar still pleasant to drink. But in the hundred years or so between his death and the publication of his punch recipe, milk clarification fell out of favor. Modern food purity laws in the United States (among them the Bottled in Bond Act of 1897) and a better understanding of distilling and aging of spirits mean that there aren’t a lot of rough edges to be smoothed away. Modern refrigeration means that the fight against spoilage isn’t a matter of guesswork anymore.


3⁄4 oz Herbal liqueur, Yellow Chartreuse
1 1⁄2 oz Apple brandy, Lairds
1 twst Lemon peel (as garnish)

In a cocktail shaker, combine the amaro, yellow Chartreuse, apple brandy and bitters. Fill the shaker with ice. Stir until well chilled, about 30 seconds. Strain into a chilled coupe, garnish with a lemon twist and serve.

Mattias Hägglund
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  • I substituted Green Chartreuse and Calvados and it was delicious
Similar cocktails
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  • Norman — Calvados, Sweet vermouth, Bénédictine, Fernet Branca
  • Clear My Head — Cognac, Amaro Montenegro, Maraschino Liqueur, Herbal liqueur, Lemon bitters
  • The Trouble I've Been Looking For — Apple brandy, Herbal liqueur, Cynar, Sloe gin, Cherry
  • Expense Account Rum Cocktail — Añejo rum, Virgin Islands Rum, Calvados, Bénédictine, Orange bitters, Absinthe, Maple syrup

First Rodeo

1 oz Gin, Hayman's
1⁄2 oz Simple syrup
1⁄2 oz Lemon juice
1 oz Soda water (to top)
1 twst Orange peel (as garnish)

Shake all but soda without ice; pour over ice-filled Collins glass, top with cold soda water, briefly stir, garnish.

Authentic recipe
Kathryn "Pepper" Stashek, Attaboy, New York, New York (USA)
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Similar cocktails
  • Boat House Punch — Gin, Rosé Champagne, Aperol, Elderflower liqueur, Grapefruit juice, Lemon juice, Orange juice, Sugar
  • Solitude is Bliss — Bianco Vermouth, Gin, Grapefruit juice, Soda water, Lime juice, Chamomile syrup, Grapefruit
  • Staten Island Ferry — Gin, Framboise, Cherry Liqueur, Aperol, Sparkling rosé wine, Lime juice, Grenadine
  • Disco Bloodbath — Gin, Sparkling white wine, Galliano, Aperol, Blood Orange Juice, Passion fruit puree
  • Cucumber Lime Swizzle — Gin, Aromatized wine, Elderflower liqueur, Lime juice, Soda water, Simple syrup, Cucumber

Aperitivo Julep

3⁄4 oz CioCiaro
1 t Peach liqueur, Massenez
1 Mint (bunch, as garnish)

Swizzle in julep tin with crushed ice, garnish.

Authentic recipe
Alex Day, Death and Co
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Similar cocktails
  • "Figure 8" — Dry vermouth, Bianco Vermouth, Dry apricot brandy, Blanco tequila, Orange bitters, Orange flower syrup, Orange peel
  • Zebra Cocktail — Dry vermouth, Bianco Vermouth, Dry apricot brandy, Blanco tequila, Orange bitters, Orange flower syrup, Orange peel
  • Kina Miele — Dry vermouth, Aromatized wine, Grappa, Pear eau de vie, Lemon bitters, Grapefruit peel
  • R&R cocktail — Dry vermouth, Chambord, Peychaud's Bitters
  • Coco En Rama — Fino sherry, Bianco Vermouth, Aromatized wine, Pear liqueur, Falernum, Coconut Water

The Improved

1 1⁄4 oz Barbados Rum, Cockspur 12
1⁄4 oz Navy strength rum, Smith & Cross
3⁄4 oz Zucca

Stir, strain into old fashioned glass with a large cube or sphere. Garnish with expressed orange swath.

Authentic recipe
Sother Teague, Amor y Amargo, New York, NY
Source reference

"Cuban Cocktails," Ravi DeRossi, Jane Danger & Alla Lapushchik, Stirling Epicure, 2015, p. 224

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Trampoline Casualty

1 1⁄2 oz Pineapple rum, Plantation Stiggins' Fancy
1 bsp Demerara Rum, Hamilton Demerara 151
1⁄4 oz Ginger syrup
1⁄4 oz Lemon juice
1 Maraschino cherry (as garnish)

Shake; strain; up; garnish

Picture of Trampoline Casualty
Craig Eliason
Your original creation
Craig Eliason, Saint Paul, Minnesota (USA)
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Comings and Goings

1 1⁄2 oz Rhum Agricole (Blanc but a slightly aged one would work)
3⁄4 oz Fino sherry (Manzanilla would work)
1⁄2 oz Apricot liqueur
1⁄4 oz Strega
1 twst Orange peel (As garnish)

Stir with ice, strain into a cocktail coupe, and garnish with an orange twist.


I recalled my Mount Pelee that was inspired by John Gertsen's Rhum Agricot and Martin Cate's Abricot Vieux and wondered how I could riff on it. Originally, my mind went to Campari that worked well with apricot before, but then I recalled the apricot-Strega duo that succeeded in another drink (see blog post for details). I kept the Fino sherry instead of dry vermouth idea from the Campari drink that I had sketched out, and I complemented the Strega with aromatic bitters. I named this after an 1887 painting by Paul Gauguin that he did on the island of Martinique.

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Frederic Yarm, Boston, MA
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  • Made with Yellow Chartreuse and San Zanj. Light, apricot-y, compelling.
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  • The Green Veil — Pisco, White wine, Elderflower liqueur, Herbal liqueur, Lime juice, Simple syrup, Kiwi
  • Mount Pelée — Rhum Agricole, Apricot liqueur, Falernum, Dry vermouth, Orange bitters, Bitters, Orange peel
  • Chutes and Ladders — Blanco tequila, Swedish Punsch, Aromatized wine, Lime juice, Simple syrup, Orange peel