The Italian Job

1 1⁄2 oz Bourbon (Evan Williams)
1⁄4 oz Espresso
1⁄4 oz Amaretto, Disaronno
1 twst Orange peel (as garnish)

Shake, strain, up, Nick-and-Nora glass, garnish.


Editor's note: I would consider a premium coffee liqueur, such as from St. George, Leopold Bros, or Bittermens. Also, Luxardo makes a fine Amaretto.

Authentic recipe
Davide Diana, bar821, San Francisco, CA
Curator rating
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3.5 stars
(3 ratings)
Similar cocktails
  • Brandy Alexander — Cognac, Crème de Cacao, Half-and-half, Nutmeg
  • Mellow Mocha — Brandy, Coffee liqueur, Crème de Cacao, Licor 43, Fernet Branca, Aztec Chocolate bitters
  • Rye Cappuccino — Rye, Chocolate bitters, Espresso, Cream, Rich demerara syrup 2:1
  • Upgraded Grasshopper — Cognac, Añejo rum, Crème de Cacao, Bitters, Chocolate bitters, Cream, Mint
  • Somnambulist — Brandy, Coffee liqueur, Irish Cream, Espresso

Curated to correct ratios, improve attribution, and add suggested alternative brands.

Silver Stinger

1 1⁄2 oz Apricot eau-de-vie, Blume Marillen
3⁄4 oz Peppermint syrup
1⁄2 oz Lemon juice
1⁄4 oz Mint hydrosol

Shake, strain over soda water in a Collins glass, serve with straw.


Peppermint syrup: make a double-strength peppermint herbal tea and mix 1:1 with sugar.

Your original creation
Rafa García Febles, NYC.
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Similar cocktails
  • A Farewell to One's Witz — Apricot eau-de-vie, Apricot liqueur, Soda water, Lime juice, Simple syrup, Lime peel
  • La Primavera nella Campagna — Pear eau de vie, Vodka, Galliano, Rhubarb bitters, Club soda, Meyer lemon juice, Rhubarb, Tarragon, Meyer lemon zest
  • Pear Rickey — Pear eau de vie, Soda water, Lime juice, Pear
  • Mild Water — Suze, Peach liqueur, Gin, Soda water, Peach syrup, Lemon juice, Peach, Thai Basil
  • Circular Spritz — Riesling, Maraschino Liqueur, Absinthe, Braulio, Jamaican rum, Soda water, Lime juice


1 oz Rum
1⁄2 oz Lime juice
1⁄4 oz Simple syrup
3 lf Basil

Shake all (incl basil) and double-strain, up.


Drinkthebook website suggests boosting the rum to 1 1/2 oz doesn't compromise the balance.

Authentic recipe
Sean Muldoon, Merchant Hotel, Belfast (N. Ireland)
Curator rating
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3 stars
(3 ratings)
From other users
  • Made it with Lemon Hart 151 to see if it would work. High proof was masked thoroughly. Wish the basil came through more strongly, even tho I pounded the heck out of those 3 leaves with big cubes in the shaker.
Similar cocktails
  • South Pacific — Dark rum, Orgeat, Lemon juice
  • El Condado — Martinique Rum, Nicaraguan Rum, Apricot liqueur, Coconut syrup, Lime juice, Lemon juice, Pineapple juice
  • Mulata Daisy — Light rum, Crème de Cacao, Galliano, Lime juice, Sugar, Fennel seeds
  • La Florida Cocktail — Blended rum, White Crème de Cacao, Sweet vermouth, Lime juice, Grenadine
  • The Express — Virgin Islands Rum, Nicaraguan Rum, Jamaican rum, Thai Bitters, Lime juice, Orgeat, Lemon juice

Goodnight Vienna

1 1⁄4 oz Mezcal
1⁄4 oz Ramazzotti
1 twst Orange peel (as garnish)

Stir with ice and strain into a chilled champagne coupé.
Garnish with an orange twist.

Picture of Goodnight Vienna
Your original creation
Andy Aitken of
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3.5 stars
(11 ratings)
From other users
  • Sweet vermouth and Punt e Mes appear equally good.
  • One of several Ramazotti inflected mezcal cocktails, including the El National. Very nice slow Friday evening drink.
Similar cocktails
  • Rosa Amargo — Mezcal, Grapefruit liqueur, Bianco Vermouth, Campari, Grapefruit peel
  • Reign In Blood — Mezcal, Herbal liqueur, Chocolate bitters, Blood Orange Juice, Lime juice
  • Spirit Animal — Mezcal, Herbal liqueur, Pamplemousse Rose, Bianco Vermouth, Bitters, Grapefruit peel
  • Louis' Mistress — Mezcal, Grapefruit liqueur, Elderflower liqueur, Grapefruit peel
  • Oaxacan Daisy — Mezcal, Triple sec, Meyer lemon juice, Meyer lemon peel

Wake up to "Goodnight Vienna!" What a wonderful drink, despite what one might think is an incongrouous mixture of alcoholic ingredients. In reality, they are incredilby congruent--almost beyond belief, until you sip on this delightful concoction. I mean, Grand Marnier and Ramazzotti! Come on; who in their right mind would mix them together? And then to throw in some Mezcal! Get me a head shrinker!

But pull yourself together, mix the drink using the given recipe, and you'll end up with an incredible before dinner drink, or a very satisfying late evening drink. I rate this libation at 4.5. Come on--mix, stir, strain, and then drink up--but do it responsibly!

Boosted ramazzotti and grand mariner by .25/ea for a more balanced drink for my palate with mezcal- got better.

Mezcal is slightly overpowering - dial back to 1 oz

Temporarily Embarrassed Millionaire

3⁄4 oz Cappelletti Aperitivo
1⁄4 oz Apricot eau-de-vie, Blume Marillen
3⁄4 oz Lime juice

Shake, strain, up.

Altered recipe
Rafa García Febles, NYC.
Curator rating
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Average rating
3.5 stars
(3 ratings)
Similar cocktails

It Wants What It Wants

2 oz Blended Scotch, Famous Grouse
1⁄2 oz Dry vermouth, Dolin
1⁄2 oz Campari
2 dr Salt Solution (optional)
1 twst Orange peel

Stir all ingredients over ice and strain into a tumbler containing one large cube.


Salt solution is 10% saline by weight.


A Boulevardier/Old Pal-inspired Scotch cocktail with extra orange notes. A fruity blend with a little smoke is ideal.

Your original creation
Benjamin Talbot
Curator rating
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4 stars
(15 ratings)
From other users
  • Very spirit forward but quite tasty
  • Complex and well balanced alternative to a Boulevardier.
Similar cocktails
  • Nashville Spring — Rye, Aromatized wine, Cherry Liqueur, Cynar, Scotch, Orange bitters, Rosemary, Cucumber, Orange
  • Greyfriar — Blended Scotch, Islay Scotch, Campari, Sweet vermouth, Fino sherry
  • The Wall Street Journalist — Bourbon, Dry vermouth, Amaro Montenegro, Peach bitters
  • Windsor Knot — Cognac, Rye, Dry vermouth, Cynar, Bénédictine, Orange peel
  • A Dry Symphony — Rye, Dry vermouth, Cynar, Orange bitters, Orange peel

Detox Retox

2 oz Blanco tequila, Casamigos
1 oz Cucumber juice
3⁄4 oz Mint syrup
3⁄4 oz Lime juice
1 T Tea (Matcha powder)

Shake all ingredients well with ice and strain into a bottle or glass.

Curator rating
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Average rating
1 star
(1 rating)
Similar cocktails
  • Brado — Añejo rum, Cynar, Tea, Lemon juice, Mint syrup
  • Norma Jean — Gin, Cynar, Lemon juice, Simple syrup, Mint
  • It — Aquavit, Herbal liqueur, White Crème de Menthe, Lime juice, Sage, Lime
  • Smoke and Mirrors (Alex Day) — Blended Scotch, Islay Scotch, Absinthe, Lime juice, Simple syrup, Mint
HallA commented on 12/04/2022:

No... don't drink this. I am not sure where this came from.. and should have used that as a sign to not drink it and to pay more attention to the ratios in which case I would have realized. A tablespoon of matcha powder makes this undrinkable, which I should have realized. Went looking for ref and a bullshit Dr. Oz website as "health" because of cucumber and matcha. May try to rebalance, idea may have some potential but don't try with this much Matcha.

Hurricane Franklin

1 1⁄4 oz Trinidad rum
1⁄2 oz Amargo-Vallet
1⁄4 oz Falernum
3⁄4 oz Lime juice
2 bsp Egg white
1⁄2 oz Simple syrup

Dry shake all ingredients apart from bitters. Add ice. Shake. Strain into fancy glass. Decorate foam with a few dashes of bitters.


I actually used aquafaba. (Editor's note - to replace the egg white. Aquafaba is the liquid from a can of chickpeas). Originally the Falernumn was crazy high. No idea why. Also switched out the lemon for citrus.


Named after the storm Hurricane Irma that struck Florida in 2017. Incredibly, a trademark Intent To Use trademark application was filed with the USPTO on 9/10/2017, one day before this cocktail was published. The applicant, Eurie Bordenave, requested that the name of this cocktail be changed and so it was renamed to Hurricane I 2017 by the editor.

Your original creation
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5 stars
(6 ratings)
From other users
  • Good - I thought the Falernum dominated a bit; surprisingly I thought the Amargo Vallet was a bit lost. I might reverse these amounts. I used Angostura 1824, and half non-alch. Falernum, half Velvet Falernum.
Similar cocktails
  • Peg Leg — Rum, Grapefruit bitters, Lime juice, Simple syrup, Demerara syrup, Grapefruit peel
  • Jasper's Rum Punch — Jamaican rum, Bitters, Lime juice, Simple syrup, Cherry, Nutmeg
  • Anne Bonny's Last Call — Light rum, Orange liqueur, Coconut liqueur, Lime juice, Pineapple syrup, Pineapple, Basil, Lime
  • Harpo's Special — Light rum, Curaçao, Bitters, Lime juice, Simple syrup, Lime
  • Santiago — Cuban rum, Maraschino Liqueur, Bitters, Herbal liqueur, Lime juice, Simple syrup

Responding to a trademark request to rename this cocktail, the editor changed it from Hurricane Irma to Hurricane I 2017. See the history. The cocktail's creator should feel free to pick any other name if desired. While I don't acknowledge that the Intent to Use application filed with the USPTO affords the applicant the right to prevent the publication of this recipe, Kindred Cocktails has a "don't be a jerk" policy and does not wish to publish a cocktail using a disputed name. Take your legal fight into the alley out back, please.

As for the cocktail itself, we haven't tried it but it sounds like an interesting sour -- rather unlike the horrid intoxicant poured by the gallon on Bourbon Street to induce public emesis.

What a crazy world.

I think the possible trademark infringement makes the cocktail taste better.

Will change the name from "Hurricane I 2017" to something else.

I used Angostura 1919. The vanilla notes pair very well with the bitter cherry of the Amargo Vallet and the spice of the Falernum. This is really tasty.

I just tried this one and I really enjoyed it! I used aquafaba instead of the egg white (as suggested in the note), which gave the drink a little hint of savory nuttyness. I took the advice of another commenter and upped the Amargo a touch and went a light on the falernum, which I think was a good choice. I also replaced the Trinidad rum with an ounce of Barbados rum (Mount Gay) and a quarter-ounce of a dunder-heavy Jamaican pot still rum (Dr Bird). It all came together to make one of the strangest cocktails I've ever built — but in a good way! Rich, creamy, nutty, funky, and surprisingly well balanced. Big thumbs up from me!

Yea, the Falernumn is awfully high. I'm not sure what the idea was when I made this (apart from Trinidad and Mexico having to be a part of it). Also, IMHO it needs a little simple syrup. I've edited it a bit.

"I said GodDAMN! Goddamn..." -Mia Wallace
This is a real gem. Lacking a T&T rum in my quiver, I used Hamilton 86 Demerara, and oh man. This'll be the one to take the "edge off" after a long day of selling dinettes and bar stools. No matter your toil, I highly recommend suppressing your woes with this brilliant cocktail. Sláinte!

Blood and Sand (Death & Co)

1⁄2 oz Sweet vermouth (Half Punt e Mes, half Dolin Rouge)
3⁄4 oz Orange juice
1⁄2 t Lemon juice
1 Brandied cherry (Garnish)

Shake all the ingredients with ice, then strain into a coupe. Garnish with the cherry.

Authentic recipe
Source reference

Death & Co Modern Classic Cocktails

Curator rating
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4 stars
(14 ratings)
From other users
  • Tried the equal parts version (inspired by TJ Vytlacil / Punchdrink) with Aberlour 12, Carpano Antica, Heering, fresh OJ, very vigourous shake and flamed orange peel disk -- with great success! — ★★★★
Similar cocktails
  • Blood and Sand — Scotch, Sweet vermouth, Cherry Liqueur, Orange juice
  • Blood & Famine — Irish whiskey, Cherry Liqueur, Sweet vermouth, Orange juice, Orange peel
  • Wonky Sand — Rye, Cherry Liqueur, Aromatized wine, Bourbon, Islay Scotch, Orange juice, Orange peel
  • Martin Casa — Jamaican rum, Apricot liqueur, Triple sec, Lime juice
  • Bleeding Castro — Añejo rum, Sweet vermouth, Cherry Liqueur, Orange juice, Grapefruit juice
HallA commented on 3/15/2022:

Slightly modified. Used orange superjuice, which is acid corrected, so dropped the lemon and upped the orange to a full ounce and it was delicious.

Afternoon Siesta

3⁄4 oz Blanco tequila
3⁄4 oz Campari
3⁄4 oz Lime juice
1⁄2 oz Agave syrup
8 oz India Pale Ale
1 sli Lime (as garnish)

Shake everything but the beer over ice and strain into a pint glass. Top with beer. Garnish.

Authentic recipe
Tristan Willey
Curator rating
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Average rating
4 stars
(9 ratings)
From other users
  • Used 21st Amendment's Tasty IPA, slightly more tequila than campari, and a salted rim. Fantastic
  • Tasty but very high calorie!
  • Very good. I prefer 1.5 oz tequila, 0.75 oz lime, 3/8 oz agave nectar, 0.5 oz Campari, 4 oz IPA, orange peel.
Similar cocktails
  • IPAiniac — India Pale Ale, Gin, Elderflower liqueur, Lemon juice, Honey syrup
  • Slow Decay — India Pale Ale, Añejo rum, Herbal liqueur, Aromatized wine, Bitters

Quite a boozy delight.  I really enjoyed this despite the fact that I had the wrong beer on hand (a carmelly lager instead of a crisp dry IPA).  Will try again with the correct beer. 

Love the original, but I make a low ABV version of this with Giffard Apertif syrup (instead of Campari) and Athletic's Run Wild IPA (both non-alcoholic). Keep the tequila for what results in something with about as much alcohol as a radler.